
2012-01-10 5:47 am
It wasn't the fashion at Dolc & Gabbana that was in the spotlight today.

8-1-12既7:30 News Report入面既其中一句,佢個it refer緊乜野?

thx for the two comments, btw, can I say " It is you who........" or " It is john and many who......"?? If the subject is in plural, how do we express it?

回答 (2)

2012-01-10 9:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
G&G 的時裝今天不是大眾的焦點。

英文有個常用的文法,就是用代名詞 It 作主詞,將主要講述的內容放在句子的較後部份。It 的作用只是一個 dummy pronoun。

It wasn't the fashion at Dolc & Gabbana that was in the spotlight today.
The fashion at Dolc & Gabbana wasn't in the spotlight today.
真正的主詞是 The fashion at Dolc & Gabbana。

將真正的主詞放於 It + verb to be 後可以強調主詞。
It was John who scored for the home team.
=John scored for the home team.

It has been three years since I last heard from him.
=Three years have passed since I last heard from him.

It is not money that we care most.
=Money is not our main concern.

It + verb to be 放於形容詞之前。
It is necessary that they put more funds in the project.
= They need to put more funds in the project.
= That they put more funds in the project is necessary.

It is difficult for us to climb up the mountain.
= We find it difficult to climb up the mountain.
= To climb up the mountain is difficult for us.

這些句中 It 沒有特別代表芋一名詞,而是用來引出主要講的內容,It 就是一個 dummy pronoun。

2012-01-10 01:14:46 補充:
It is not money that we care most.
=Money is not what we care most.

2012-01-10 15:52:37 補充:
Hi Bad Apple,

It was not the fashion at D&G that ...,

How can "It" refer to the gathering of people? The gathering of people was never mentioned in the sentence.

2012-01-11 15:32:29 補充:
In the context of the given sentence, "it" is a dummy pronoun.
What the news was about was not of significance to the sentence proper.
At least, we cannot replace "it" with "the gathering of people".

2012-01-15 14:42:25 補充:
If the subject is in plural, we still use "it" like in one of my examples,

It has been three years since I last heard from him.

It is John and Mary who are getting married.

It is you who should be held responsible.
2012-01-11 1:21 am
It (pronoun) is used as the subject or object of a verb or after a preposition.It's used to refer to a thing talked about in news.
It is used in the position of the subject of a verb when talking about the incident.
The fashion @ D&G(subject)
was (verb in predicate)
in spotlight today(adv.phrase)
It is used to emphasize main part of a sentence.
Hence the pronoun"It" becomes
(grammar)a word that is used instead of a noun phrase(the fashion@D&G) to become a demonstrative
It was in spotlight.

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