in on at問題

2012-01-09 12:41 am
Monday morning
Monday afternoon
Monday night
用in on at 那個?

回答 (6)

2012-01-09 3:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
on Monday morning
on Monday afternoon
on Monday night


2012-01-09 12:25:22 補充:
What rhody (below) quoted is correct.
However, we can use 'in' if Monday morning (or afternoon or night) is used as an adjective.
eg Three people were injured in Monday morning crash.
7-eleven stores were targeted in Monday morning robberies.

2012-01-09 13:02:23 補充:

2012-01-11 03:48:48 補充:
Yes, because Monday morning, Monday afternoon and Monday night are all considered to be part of Monday.

2012-01-11 03:50:44 補充:
Yes FI c, because Monday morning, Monday afternoon and Monday night are all considered to be part of Monday.
2012-01-11 5:34 am
用on既原因係未因為要跟Monday? thx
2012-01-10 12:38 pm
Answer 002 is correct.
2012-01-09 5:45 am
I agree with 回答者002

I'll see you on Saturday morning.
It was on Saturday afternoon.
Shall we dance on Saturday night?

~ All from Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
2012-01-09 5:34 am
If you have problem judging right or wrong, here helps.
2012-01-09 12:53 am
不管(on)Monday,跟後面的,in the morning, in the afternoon, at night--
in Monday morning
in Monday afternoon
at Monday night

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:30:41
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