有關"in which"及",in which"的問題!!

2012-01-05 4:07 am
1.They are formal events in which teens share their traumatic experiences.
2.The word "prom" was first used in the 1890s, refering to formal dances in which the guests of a party would display their fashions and dancing skills during the evening's grand march.
3.These programs require weekly meetings between students and their homeroom teachers , in which students are free to openly discuss any issues they might be confronting at school.
4.The represents a big change from decades past , in which bullying was just seen as a part of attending school.
小弟用顏色所表示的 in which 及 , in which 中的in 究竟是從哪裡提到前面的呢?另外,為什麼", "放於in which 之前,是怎麼解釋和用法呢?

4.Often,the represents a big change from decades past , in which bullying was just seen as a part of attending school. 第四句應該是這樣才對! Louis,謝謝您!


請問garlic2010! 您是如何判定第一句的in,後面要接these events.呢? 第二句為什麼是in the dances呢? 第四句的in which 就是 in those days ,我可否解讀成為in decades past呢?(因為in those days 不就是在decades past這段期間的這幾天嗎?) 我是了解 in which 的用法了,但我不知道那個 in 若還原句子時,本來是放在哪兒或本身屬於哪個地方或片詞或單字的in~ 謝謝!


真的很感謝John! 但,您所還原的那四句句子,in後面不用再接名詞(或地方名詞)了嗎?直接句點就好了嗎? 還是,因為先行詞有了,而所以省略了本來要在in後面接的先行詞呢(這是我想的)? 真想不到還有像您這樣熱心的人,感動!!

回答 (4)

2012-01-06 11:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案

In my laboratory there is a blue cabinet in which old equipment is stored.
原句為:In my laboratory there is a blue cabinet which old equipment is stored in.

A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.
原句為:A man can succeed at almost anything which he has unlimited enthusiasm for .

It is the spirit with which you endow your work that makes it useful or futile.
原句為:It is the spirit which you endow your work with that makes it useful or futile.

在這裡 "which" 是「關係代名詞」,英文文法的規則是若關係代名詞子句裡有「介繫詞」,它們就得移到關係代名詞的前面。這已經成為一個慣用法,把介繫詞和關係代名詞分開幾乎是沒看過人用了… 所以就你問題中的 4 句話,我把它們還原如下 (粗體字為先行詞):

1. They are formal events which teens share their traumatic experiences in.

2. The word "prom" was first used in the 1890s, referring to formal dances which the guests of a party would display their fashions and dancing skills in during the evening's grand march.

3. These programs require weekly meetings between students and their homeroom teachers, which students are free to openly discuss any issues they might be confronting at school in.

4. This represents a big change from decades past, which bullying was just seen as a part of attending school in.

然而,如上所說的,現在只要關係代名詞子句裡有介繫詞,它們就得移到關係代名詞前面。這已經是英文的慣用法,外國人已不會去想說介繫詞原本該放哪,而是下意識的直接把合適的介繫詞加進去。至於逗號的用法,它是要讓很長的句子可以停頓一下。補充說明:in which 可以用 where 來替換,以上所有的例句皆可以。


2012-01-13 22:03:08 補充:


2012-01-05 5:02 pm
1. which 是指 formal events.
They are formal events. Teens share their traumatic experiences in these events.
They are formal events in which teens share their traumatic experiences.

2. formal dances 意思是舞會
in which 就是 in the dances

The word "prom" was first used in the 1890s, referring to formal dances. In the dances (party) the guests of a party would display their fashions and dancing skills during the evening's grand march.

The word "prom" was first used in the 1890s, referring to formal dances in which the guests of a party would display their fashions and dancing skills during the evening's grand march.

1, 2 兩句將 in which 改為 where 意思就很容易明白了。

3. in which 指 in the weekly meetings. 第三句的 "," 只因 which 跟 weekly meetings 相隔甚遠,加上 comma 令句子容易明白。

4. which 指 decades past, in which 就是 in those days 的意思。 in which 也可以用 when 代替。
第四句的 "," 可以省去。
The (something?) represents a big change from decades past. In those days bullying was just seen as a part of attending school.

2012-01-07 01:05:11 補充:
您是如何判定第一句的in,後面要接these events.呢?

不單是第一句,找出 in which 的 which 所指只須從 which 字向前看,which 前的第一個名詞或名詞片語,絶大多數就是 which 所代表的物件。
1. formal events
2. formal dances
3. 不可能是 students 或 teachers,weekly metings
4. decades past

2012-01-07 01:08:33 補充:
第四句 which 是代表 decades past。in those days 只是另一個寫法而矣。

2012-01-07 01:20:52 補充:
John 回答者002 的解釋很詳盡,還有一點我想補充。
which 不錯是「關係代名詞」,它是代表之前曾經提及的名詞,但當 in which 放在一起時,in which 用作 where (地方、事件) 或 when (時間),where 或 when 可取代 in which,in which 的詞性屬於連接詞(conjunction)而非代名詞。

2012-01-07 01:28:38 補充:

This is the ring which I gave Mary yesterday.
Mary 後不用 the ring 因為 which 已經是指 the ring。

John 的四句還原句in後面不用再接名詞(或地方名詞)因為在前面的 which 已經指出了。
2012-01-05 6:51 am
***Teens share their traumatic experiences in the formal events.

***---bullying was just seen as a part of attending school in the past decades---

意見欄無法用顏色 還有 你那個第四句還是錯的呀 中間兩句太長了 意見欄只能塞 300 字
2012-01-05 4:53 am

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