
2012-01-04 5:35 am

回答 (9)

2012-01-04 11:31 am
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Gift and present are used interchangeably these days. Generally speaking, it means the same thing, but there are some differences between the two.

PRESENT– something you give someone on a special occasion or to thank them for something.

In everyday English, especially in Britain, people usually say present rather than gift.

"present" is the more limited word, usually Christmas/birthday/wedding etc present.

GIFT is something that you give to someone as a sign of friendship, love, respect or as part of a formal ceremony.

Christmas/birthday/wedding etc gift

If something is given for no special reason but that you want to it is a gift.
Enjoy a free gift with any purchase of $5 or more.

A Gift may be much more valuable than a present. It usually passes from the rich to the charity organization, university, hospital … etc., or from the high to the low.

A tycoon made a $1,000,000 gift to charity.
In the hall of art gallery was a magnificent vase, which was a gift from a Chinese businessman.
It was a gift to the US from the Chinese people.

gift shop, gift certificate, free gift
(You can’t replace the word “gift” with “present”)

You may as well say that all presents are gifts but not all gifts are presents.
參考: Longman English Dictionary; Longman Language Activator
2014-10-15 7:34 pm
2012-01-04 10:41 pm

Christmas Present
Christmas Gift
在使用上是不會用/寫Chrismas Gift這個名詞寫法的,但是聖誕節朋友間交換禮物卻只會用/寫/講是Exchange gifts in Christmas.
而家人之間或正正式式的送給人的聖誕禮物,則一定叫/寫做Christmas Present.

I cannot decide what present to give to my boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas.
I've recevied a beautiful sweater as Christmas present from my father/mother/wife/husband.


例如你上司退休你們同事送他的是Farewell gift,不是Farewell present.
反而你們送他的生日禮物卻應該叫做Birthday present,而不是Birthday gift.

2012-01-04 9:42 pm
禮物的英文「present」和「gift= same. The only difference is that
gift is a noun and cannot be used as a verb.

Do you like this present /gift?

I like this present/ gift very much.


PRESENT - can be used as a verb or adjective

He presents the opening ceremony speech to us.= verb
He will be present at the seminar tomorrow = adjective
Can you count how many peoples are present today ? = adjective.

GIFT -can be used as adjective too but not verb.

He is gifted in Music. = adjective
She is gifted with a sweet lovely voice. = adjective
2012-01-04 2:41 pm
Present/present/gift, give/gift/present are used slightly differently:
to give someone a gift/present,
to present someone with a present/gift. (more formal)
2012-01-04 1:16 pm
'Gift' gives more figurative meaning than 'present'.

When something is easy to do, it is a gift.
The math test today is a gift.
At $100, the watch is a gift.

2012-01-04 05:22:21 補充:
Natural ability is a gift, a great gift for music, a gifted artist, etc.

From nature, the gift of life, the gift of nature.
2012-01-04 10:51 am
present 是比較formal的字,gift比較口語
2012-01-04 6:15 am
2012-01-04 5:56 am
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