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Both of them are correct and mean the same thing.
The sentence alone, I leave my bike behind is better.
The are situations when you must use I leave behind my bike, such as using a relative clause to give extra information about the bike.
I leave behind my bike with which I won the race last year.
2012-01-02 02:16:46 補充:
I leave my bike behind and hike along mountain paths.
I leave behind my bike and hike along mountain paths.
Both are correct.
2012-01-02 02:21:55 補充:
不在於句後是否還有下文,bike 後跟 which/that 等就要 leave behind my bike which ....
I leave behind the bike that I ride every day.
2012-01-02 02:23:32 補充:
因為relative pronoun (which) 最好直接在所指的名詞後。