
2011-12-23 10:30 pm
1. 這些數(費用)現時不屬於任何一個division,能否幫我們轉到它們所屬的division?

2. 下面的新聞能不能帶領香港的公司一個加薪潮?
can the following news be leading HK's companies having a tide of salary adjustment (raise)?

回答 (2)

2012-03-04 5:40 pm
Bad Apple,
Re http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7012030200405
Your opinion is reliable. If you don't mind, please transpose it to the answer column for the host and others.
(As your mail box is out of bounds, pardon me for contacting you in this manner.)
2011-12-24 9:04 am
Good answers by Bad Apple (answer 001).

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