《評論》Your S. Predicate works I?

2011-12-02 7:42 pm

回答 (3)

2011-12-06 8:35 am
AhShing, predicate nominals are used in English expression and they are gaining acceptance, although their use may not be formal. Google for "come home a different person" and you will see people are using this phrase almost like an idiom.

2011-12-06 00:42:02 補充:
I know nothing about linguistics and semantics but I do know they are studies on languages and the meaning of words. Linguistics analyzes the structure of a language as we use it. Unlike grammar, they do not determine what should go into a language and what is the correct sentence structure.

2011-12-06 00:50:14 補充:
I did not invent the sentence "Alex hung up the phone a frightened man". There are professional writers who write this way, especially among North American writers. Washington Post had a video series called coming home a different person on soldiers returning from war.
2011-12-04 5:38 am
AhShing, I strongly agree with your thought. However, Garlic2010 attempts challenging me a thousand time on his stubborn topic. It's like I went home late. I won't suggest people to write it in this way. Anyway, thank your comments.
2011-12-03 7:38 pm
I still don't think a Predicate Nominal (noun or noun phrase) can be used to construct a secondary predicate, apart from predicate adjectival.
So, a sentence like "The man left the pub a drunken man." is not a valid sentence, synthetically and semantically speaking.

2011-12-03 11:56:16 補充:
Although secondary predicate is an acceptable element in linguistics of some languages, its use in English is quite restrictive. You cannot use it like plugging the variables in a mathtematic formula. It has to be meaningful and unambiguous.

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