
2011-12-01 10:44 pm
拜託幫忙翻譯不用一字一句完全一樣,只要意思相近就可以了,希望盡量口語化,萬分感謝。 “ 旅行對我來說是一種毒藥,不管遇到甚麼樣的困境都能靠他找到出口,我想要到世界各地用自己的心去感受大家口中的那裡。 每次去旅遊總能感受到人的善良與可愛,當地人看到你是旅客總會對你釋出善意,熱信並自豪地介紹他的國家,告訴你他私房的景點深怕你遺漏了必去的哪裡。我喜歡自助旅行,在網路上搜尋別人的遊記,順便跟著他的腳步預習了一遍,就這樣一遍又一遍的規畫出自己的完美行程。到了當地總會遇到與想像中有所出入的事,在只能進無法退的情況下,一定要靠自己的能力克服,雖然很麻煩,但看見所愛的人跟著自己的腳步得到收穫真的很有成就感。 每一段旅程都像是尋寶,旅途中會遇到甚麼驚險、會遇到甚麼意外的驚喜你絕對不知道,但最終你總能滿載而歸。”

TO阿昌 不好意思!如果google翻譯可以用我就不會發問了,謝謝。


TO 河豚 不好意思!如果microsoft翻譯可以用我就不會發問了,謝謝。

回答 (5)

2011-12-02 12:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Travel for me is a poison, no matter what difficulties can rely on him to find the exit, I want the world to feel his own heart the mouth of everyone there.
The total travel time to feel good and lovely people, local travelers will always see you are on your goodwill, hot and proud to introduce the letter to his country, to tell you he's attractions Private afraid you missed will go where. I like self-help travel search on the Internet travels of others, the way to follow the footsteps of his prep again, so the rules over and over again to draw your own perfect itinerary. To the local and imagination have always encountered something out, not only into the back of the case, must depend on their ability to overcome, although a lot of trouble, but to see their loved ones to follow the footsteps to be true harvest a great sense of accomplishment.
Each journey is like a treasure hunt, the journey will encounter adventure, surprise encounter what you absolutely do not know, but in the end you can always rewarding.
2011-12-02 9:06 pm
2011-12-02 6:34 pm
"Travel is a poison to me, no matter what difficulty was encountered can be found on his exit, I wanted to go around the world with their heart feelings of everyone there.
Every time I go to travel will always feel the goodness of people and lovely, local people see that you are travellers will release to you in good faith, heat and is proud to introduce his country, told you afraid you missed his private scenic spots will go where. I like to travel, to search for other people's travels on the network, followed his footsteps of preview again by the way, just like that again and again for planning your perfect trip. To differ in the home of local experience and imagination, the only cases that cannot be returned, be sure to rely on their ability to overcome, although a lot of trouble, but saw loved ones follow their footsteps Corinthian really have a sense of accomplishment.
Each journey is like a treasure hunt, on the road is encountered in the adventure, encounter any unexpected surprises you absolutely do not know, but you can always find benefits. ”

2011-12-02 9:18 am
No matter what difficult situation we are in, we can always rely on him to find a way to overcome it.

2011-12-02 17:57:22 補充:
No matter what difficult situation we are in,

we can always rely on him to find a way to overcome it.

2011-12-02 18:04:54 補充:

2011-12-02 19:04:57 補充:

A difficult situation that we are in = We are in a difficult situation.


2011-12-02 22:22:30 補充:
老實說我還是沒看懂 = =

請問 We can always rely on him to find a way to overcome it 這句本身有什麼問題嗎?

I watch you go.
Let's go play basketball.

2011-12-02 4:08 am
Traveling is a poison to me,No matter what difficult is meeting can rely on him to find the way.


2011-12-01 20:12:48 補充:
Traveling is a poison to me,
No matter what difficult is happening can rely on him to find the way.


2011-12-02 17:36:43 補充:
No matter what difficult situation we are in
因為我看到we are in擺在後面,但不知道要怎麼解釋


2011-12-02 17:40:25 補充:
we can always rely on him to find a way to overcome it.




2011-12-02 18:13:25 補充:

No matter what先不要看這句好了

先看difficult situation we are in,
We are in difficult situation




I'm in the house

意思也就一樣了! 如果變成這樣,那我就可以對他的意思了解的很深了!

2011-12-02 18:15:50 補充:
we can always rely on him to find a way to overcome it.
主詞+助動詞+副詞+動詞+受格+to+動詞+a 冠詞+to+動詞

2011-12-02 19:49:11 補充:
we can always rely on him to find a way to overcome it.
we 主詞+can助動詞+always 副詞+
rely on動詞+him受格+to+find動詞+
a 冠詞way名詞+to+overcome動詞+it受格

注意rely on跟find都是動詞,所以要用介係詞的to

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