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每個人都有一個家,我們家有4個人,爸爸是一位工廠的工作人員平日的嗜好就是爬山和打乒乓球媽媽是一位在醫院工作的護士平日的嗜好是逛街和看電視,奶奶已經高齡快90歲,我們還養了一隻可愛的小狗,我們家住在羅東,雖然沒有很大,但是非常舒適, 我很愛我爸爸媽媽跟奶奶我希望我們能永遠過的很快樂。
Everyone has a family. I have 4 people in my family. My dad is a worker in a factory. He likes going mountain climbing and playing table tennis when he's free. My mom works in a hospital as a nurse. She enjoys going shopping and watching TV. My grandma is almost 90. We have a cute little dog. We live in Lotung. It's not very big, but very comfortable. I love my dad, my mom, and my grandma very much. I hope we can have a happy life for ever.