
2011-10-25 3:05 pm



回答 (9)

2011-10-25 5:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案

本句的「認識」不只是知道或遇見某人, 而主要是指雙方的開始交往.


You've been my only love since you appeared in my life.

Right from our romantic encounter, I have loved no one else but you.


2011-10-25 17:55:01 補充:
since we've met. <--- 這樣的寫法有誤.
since作「自從」之意時, 後面只能接過去式或過去時點, 不可接完成式..

2011-10-25 22:31:29 補充:

我沒說過since後面不會有其他時態, 只是意思不同.
我說since如接的不是過去式, 且主要子句不是完程式, 那麼它就不是「自從」, 而是「既然; 因為」, "since you've been gone"就是一例.
版主的句子: 「在我認識你以後」= 「自從我認識你以來」
而不是「既然我認識你」, 所以"since we've met"是錯誤的.
正確應是"since we met".

2011-10-25 22:31:44 補充:
文法非黑即白, 沒有硬掰的灰色空間
有錯我必須指出, 因為這裡有眾多的學習者不能受到誤導.
我不在乎是否獲得最解, 但您的回答既然有誤, 再靠一堆盲目支持的友情票得到最解, 是不妥的.

2011-10-26 09:00:01 補充:
Same for you, my friend.

2011-10-27 09:15:44 補充:
1) since we have had the car: 把since譯為自從, 你的英文理解需要加強.
2) 「差強原意」是什麼意思你顯然不懂, 還敢譏笑他人踐踏中華文化?

老是在我回答的題版拉屎, 丟不丟臉啊?

2011-10-27 12:06:37 補充:
嘴還真硬, 還多拉了幾坨, 網蟑行徑莫過於此.

2011-10-27 12:11:58 補充:
香港地區平均的中文水平大致頗佳, 但你的怎麼那麼差?

2011-10-27 15:42:06 補充:
作為「自從」之意時, from (the time when)可以接任何時態或時點, 但since只能接過去式或過去時點.
這是since用法最特殊之處, 因為它接別的時態就不是「自從」之意了, 而是「既然; 因為」.

2011-10-27 15:51:59 補充:
其次, 有「自從」語意的since子句本身用過去式, 但主句要用完成式.
也就是說, 「在我認識你以後」要用過去式,「我只愛你一個人」要用現在完成式.

2011-10-27 20:52:08 補充:
[ as prep. ] :
She has suffered from depression since she was sixteen <--- 自從
the worst property slump since the war <--- 自從
[ as conjunction ] : I've felt better since I've been here <--- 既然

2011-10-27 20:53:04 補充:
[ as adv. ] : She ran away on Friday and we haven't seen her since. = We haven't seen her since she ran away on Friday <--- 自從.
[ conjunction ] Delegates were delighted, since better protection of rhino reserves will help protect other rare species. <--- 因為

2011-10-27 20:53:40 補充:
[ adv. ] The settlement had vanished long since <--- 以前

所有「自從」語意, since都是接過去式或過去時點, 無一例外.

2011-10-27 22:35:59 補充:
To Fantastic 027
注意到了嗎? 這兩句since後面接的也是過去式, 才會是「自從」之意.

2011-10-28 08:40:43 補充:
I have no problem reading your Chinese, but winder if you may have it reading mine. Whether newbies or veterans shall follow the rules, and you're no exception, dude.

2011-10-28 23:30:14 補充:
(1) I have met him often since I have lived here.
(2) I have learned a lot from him since I have known him.

網路上的句子或某部分人們的寫法雖存在, 但常是俗誤
(1) I have met him often since I lived here.
(2) I have learned a lot from him since I knew him.

2011-10-28 23:34:22 補充:
032, 034 意見失焦, 網蟑居心自以為是的抬槓而已.

2011-10-28 23:39:06 補充:
since I lived here 應進一步訂正為since I moved here.
因為lived是延續動詞, 應使用單一時點的瞬間動詞方為正確.

2011-11-02 10:35:22 補充:
She has never been to see him since he has been ill. (劣)
She has never been to see him since he was ill. (正)

>"since he was ill", the subordinate clause, would imply that he is no longer ill.
That's wrong understanding.
參考: *Infinito - 無極*
2011-10-27 1:51 pm
I love no one(nobody) but you since we have met.
... since we have met. 此寫法<------ 沒有錯! 有關since 的用法, 請參閱
" Practical English Usage - 3rd Edition).

2011-10-27 05:58:53 補充:
e.g. We visit my parents every week since we have had the car(我們自從有了這部汽車每週都去看望我的父母.)

2011-10-27 06:15:00 補充:
Infinito : 你的中譯英(Chinese-English), 差強原意!

2011-10-27 10:01:59 補充:
Infinito : (1) "我們自從有了...... " 這是該本文法書的原譯句. 你根本就是曲解了since 的用法和含義, 還在此嘲諷別人譯錯. 你對"差強原意"之含義也不懂, 遑論中譯英.

2011-10-27 10:19:12 補充:
Infinto : (2) I don't want to waste your time in the one you doubt.
你的譯本: 我不想在你有疑慮的人(或事物)上面浪費你的時間. 狗屁不通,簡直是踐踏中華文化!

2011-10-27 10:43:48 補充:
Infinito: "咖啡各有所長", 此句也令人眼界大開! 自己譯錯了, 還"死撐" , 易名為"無恥之極" 吧!

2011-10-28 20:22:38 補充:
Infinito : " 香港地區平均的中文水平大致頗佳, 但你的怎麼那麼差? " 此乃"非中非英" 的句子, 重寫吧! 不然, 就會貽笑大方!

2011-10-28 20:44:40 補充:
Ininito : 查英文文法書, since子句用" 現在完成時式" 時, since 的意思是
" 在...... 期間" 或 "自...... 期間". e.g. (1) I have met him often since I have lived here. (自從我在這裡住下之後, 我常看見他.) (2) I have learnted a lot from him since I have known him. "自從我認識了他, 我向他學到許多東西."

2011-10-28 20:52:06 補充:
Infinito : " 在我認識你以後", 以你的語文水平, 豈能知道此乃英式中文, 需要改寫為" 我自從認識了你".

2011-10-29 15:09:27 補充:
(1) She has never been to see him since he has been ill. In this sentence, "since he has been ill" implies that he is still ill.
(2) She has never been to see him since he was ill. "since he was ill", the subordinate clause, would imply that he is no longer ill.
2011-10-25 6:04 pm
Ever since you walked into my life, my heart has belonged to you and you alone.
2011-10-25 5:59 pm
You are just the one I love after I got to know you...
參考: ~self~
2011-10-25 5:47 pm
Two masters are good, and so is 007. I rest my attempt.
2011-10-25 5:36 pm
"I love no one but you since we've met."


2011-10-25 21:30:49 補充:

What about this?

Check it out and enjoy the music. :-)

2011-10-25 23:05:50 補充:
There are tons of expressions and you may call whatever you want as long as you're quite happy with your answer.

At the best, you're the winner. What else? I don't see your point here.

2011-10-27 17:11:47 補充:
since |sins|
preposition, conjunction, & adverb
1 in the intervening period between (the time mentioned) and the time under consideration, typically the present: [ as prep. ] : she has suffered from depression since she was sixteen | the worst property slump since the war |

2011-10-27 17:12:11 補充:
[ as conjunction ] : I've felt better since I've been here | [ as adv. ] : she ran away on Friday and we haven't seen her since.

2011-10-27 17:12:32 補充:
2 [ conjunction ] for the reason that: because: delegates were delighted, since better protection of rhino reserves will help protect other rare species.
3 [ adv. ] ago: the settlement had vanished long since .

2011-10-27 21:01:57 補充:

(常用於現在完成式或過去完成式)自...以來, 從...至今
It's been ten years since they married. 他們結婚到現在已經十年了。
She has been living a hard life since her husband died. 自從丈夫死後, 她一直過著艱苦的生活。

2011-10-27 22:52:58 補充:
I wonder if you have trouble in reading Chinese:
(常用於現在完成式或過去完成式)自...以來, 從...至今

If you're referring to the examples, that would be no problem at all. However, examples are commonly applied to the newbies. I don't think you're one of them.

Just following the rule, dude!

2011-10-28 23:52:11 補充:
⦅It is ... since ...で⦆…してから, …の時から数えて(▼⦅米国用法⦆では, 主節中は完了形が多い)
It's [⦅米国用法⦆It's been] a year since I've had roast beef.|ローストビーフはもう1年も食べてない.

Infinito, please stop arguing from your "narrow" perspective. Thank you.

2011-10-29 09:02:30 補充:
…のゆえに, …だから. ▼becauseほど強い因果関係を示さない;⦅米国用法⦆では軽い理由のasより好んで用いる
Since we're not very busy just now, I can get away from the office.|ちょうど今あまり忙しくないので事務所を抜け出せる.
參考: Fantastic
2011-10-25 4:06 pm
After understanding you , I do nothing more than loveing you.
2011-10-25 4:03 pm
You are the only one I love after I met you.
2011-10-25 3:29 pm
I know you, I love only you a person.

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