
2011-10-19 6:38 am




回答 (6)

2011-10-19 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thank you for those people who used to hurt me, strike me, and look down on me, because of you, now I am getting stronger and better.

2011-10-18 23:41:02 補充:

2011-10-20 01:04:23 補充:
Thank 動詞you( for those people who used to hurt me, strike me, and look down on me)整個為介系詞片語修飾第一個句子,可以省略去掉people, (because of you)另一個介系詞片語,修飾第二句, now I am getting stronger and better. now在這裡是連接詞,接第二個句子

2011-10-20 01:08:18 補充:
2011-10-19 7:03 pm
阿玉(第001回答) 的譯本+1, 惟需稍作修改: Thank those who ...
或者Thanks must go to those who ... 或者Thanks are due to those who ...
Thank(vt) : e.g. I thanked him for his advice. Thank you for the present.
2011-10-19 5:32 pm
Thank those who have hurt me, hit me, against my people, because youMakes me more and more strong, getting better and better.
2011-10-19 3:08 pm
I thank you for those who have hurt me, are against me and not optimistic about me. Because that you have made me stronger and better.

2011-10-19 09:29:37 補充:
thank you rj!
參考: self
2011-10-19 7:25 am
感謝那些曾經傷害我、打擊我、不看 好我的人,因為你們 使我越來越堅強、越來越好。
My gratitude goes to those who hurt my pride, dealt me blow or eyed me as unpromising. Thanks to them, I have become stronger and better,
2011-10-19 7:17 am

Just a small comment: "Thank you for those people..."恐怕修改成“Thank you who had hurt me...” 好一點 ==> 因為句子裡面的You和those people其實是同一群人。

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