
2011-10-01 8:12 pm

回答 (3)

2011-10-03 8:55 am
如果in 5 minutes = after 5 minutes, 我無法理解此謬論.1就 1 唔會係 1.1
遲是遲, 無話遲小小就唔係遲. 要面就係要面, 亦唔會等如唔係. 又講什麼timing 理論去遮掩事實. 唔通次次睇下大段timing 理論先決定說什麼? 任何常人都唔會說 in = out 啦! 唔通within = without? 無得救!

2011-10-03 01:03:42 補充:
你諗五分鐘後係五分零一秒到 infinity,咁你咪諗錯在咯。

我無法知你吹什麼謬論! 你又係我? 你又知我諗乜? 唔通1=2??? XDDD
你話係時全部人都要話係. 唐師長ge [拉圾論]有問題-completely rubbish, 又唔見你提出! 唔通你又叻過佢???
2011-10-03 2:33 am
An intransitive verb can hardly be used in passive voice!
the dinner will be arrived ...????
the train will be arrived...???
2011-10-02 11:01 pm
If the time now is 5:00, the dinner will be arrived at 5:05. (This is the certified answer) (your sentence)

What is the question?

2011-10-02 15:04:51 補充:
You dinner will be served in 10 minutes.
If the time now is 5:00, the dinner will be arrived at 5:05.


2011-10-02 15:07:32 補充:
Train will be arrived in 3 minutes. 列車會在3分鐘內到達. 既然電腦甘準確, 為何不set 列車在3 分鐘後到達呢 ? (your sentence)


2011-10-02 15:09:11 補充:
如果此人ge理論係啱. 唔通Jekin’s ge explanation is wrong? (your sentence)

點解 Jenkin's explanation 唔會錯﹖

2011-10-02 15:22:13 補充:
你諗五分鐘後係五分零一秒到 infinity,咁你咪諗錯在咯。

2011-10-04 14:57:27 補充:
Either You are lying or your teacher is a liar. A certified teacher will not write such a sentence as
"the dinner will be arrived at 5:05".

2011-10-04 15:01:28 補充:
There is no question. How come there is a certified answer. Certified by whom?
An answer provided a certified teacher is not a certified answer. Don't mix them up.

2011-10-04 15:09:44 補充:
冇人講過 in 5 minutes = after 5 minutes, 係你自己講。
in 5 minutes = 5分鐘後亦只是中文翻譯,並非英文原意。
in 5 minutes 意思是 5 minutes from now.

2011-10-04 23:47:14 補充:
無恥人就是 Ahhhh,此人ge霸道, 駡人意見錯及人身攻擊,證據確鑿。
Note: I saw that somebody was doing something. (syntax error!!!)

What is wrong with
I saw that somebody was doing something?

No answer

2011-10-04 23:49:22 補充:
嘩! 你d 中文真係和英文一樣: 語法不通.

You failed to point out why the Chinese sentence is 語法不通.

No answer

2011-10-04 23:55:22 補充:
Feeling tired, I went bed earlier yesterday.
Note:NOT TO BED!!!

Because I was tired, I went bed earlier. (not to bed, it doesn't make sense.)

Maybe you can explain to me why you say "go bed" is correct.

2011-10-04 23:55:41 補充:
Of course, I know why "go bed" isn't correct, ...

Now you say "go bed" isn't correct. What is your stand on this?

I was asking you why "go to bed" is correct and it doesn't mean I'll stand firm with my answer.

2011-10-04 23:57:23 補充:
I can say Jc wasn't giving you a perfect answer, but you graded Jc with five stars. Is Jc your boyfriend or something?
http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/article?qid=6911072400225 (013)

Enough joke, Garlic!

2011-10-04 23:58:44 補充:
"Is Jc your boyfriend or something?"
What's wrong with my question? ... You are too sensitive. Are you depressed?

I don’t think I did wrong, but you are over sensitive. You can tell me why my question hurt you.


2011-10-04 23:59:40 補充:
You provided answer is such a crap!
http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/article?qid=6911063001131 (024)

你條仆街 又話 Jc very good and perfect. 唔好教壞人啦!
你叫D students 學你寫死得人多啦

2011-10-05 00:00:17 補充:
你條仆街仲生存僅. 睇你個bitch又點閙人.
問人係男定係女,Is Jc your boyfriend or something.
甘 typical ge questions 又同attitude 有關?唔能係嗎?白癡!

2011-10-05 00:02:06 補充:
Garlic, you are arrogant enough to make sick! Actually, your English is crap.
http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7011080600229 (016)

我ge English level 唔須要一個garbage 去認同

2011-10-05 00:03:11 補充:
重要死撑,睇完answer先去答, Garbage!
http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/article?qid=6911092700032 (009)

It's enough time for you today. Will check out more later. Dumbass!

2011-10-05 00:04:01 補充:
You did the same thing, so ugly you!!! (subject-oriented phrase) 記唔記得呀? In Jc’sanswer (Carp!)

2011-10-05 00:04:27 補充:
You are arrogant enough to judge someone's answer, but do you know your interpretation is WRONG, CRAP!
Shame on you, Dumbass!
http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7011092800246 (006)

2011-10-05 00:12:13 補充:
睇過 Ahhhh 的人身攻擊言論,還會有人置疑 Ahhhh 不就是那無恥人嗎﹖

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