✔ 最佳答案
1. 閣下認為現今交通設施對於殘疾人士足夠嗎 ?
1. Do you think the present transportation facilities are adequate for the disabled?
2. 閣下知道殘疾人士選擇交通主要原因?
2. Do you know what major factors that determine the choice of transportation for the disabled?
3. 閣下現今殘疾人士乘搭交通時最大困難是甚麼?
3. Do you know what the greatest difficulty the disabled experience at the present when using means of transport?
4. 請問有沒有聽聞過殘疾人士對天星小輪的反應?
4. Have you heard of any reaction of the disabled on Star Ferry?
5. 請問對現今的交通殘疾服務可以接受?
5. Do you think the present transportation service for the disabled is acceptable?
6. 閣下認為政府如何改善交通工具對殘疾人士設施的不足之處?
6. What do you think the government should do in order to improve the transportation facilities for the disabled because of inadequacies?
2011-09-29 08:55:29 補充:
反應 = reaction
服務 = service
殘疾人士 = the disabled = people who are disabled (including the mentally or physically disabled)
2011-09-30 00:14:22 補充:
Thanks to garlic2010. The edited sentences should be:
(2) Do you know the major factors that determine the choice of transportation for the disabled?
(3) Do you know of the greatest difficulty the disabled experience at the present when using means of transport?