
2011-09-27 8:25 am
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110924000050KK00154

好, 有人同我講學術, 真係要睇吓Garlic2010有咩料.First, I’veto exam his knowledge in Economic.http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7011083001109The question is點解DEMAND會趺?Garlic’sanswer and luckily it isn’t the best answer.假設其他因素(包括空氣温度、濕度)不變,出口象牙製品改為內銷,令本地象牙製品供應增加,供需圖上供應曲線右移,結果是均衡價格下降,均衡數量上昇。(Standard assumption) 本地售出的象牙製品數量增加。 Theivory product won’t be increased! The production is FIXED! I know what youmean, but… just one adjective: 用辭不當.人哋問你點解DEMAND會趺? What’s your answer?Demand 不會因象牙製品出口被禁而下降。如果因保護動物等原因而下降,其他因素這假設就不能成立,供需亦不可用以預測有甚麼經濟後果。XDDD! You’re so lovely,but it’s off topic!象牙製品出口被禁同本地象牙製品需求下趺沒有直接關係。We’renot discussing the relationship of demand and supply, but WHY will the demandfall?YOU’VEGOT ZERO MARK IN THIS QUESTION!

回答 (2)

2011-09-30 7:31 am
重要死撑,睇完answer先去答, Garbage! Plagiarism!人哋問你點解DEMAND會趺? 你要answer directly. 唔係講成大段嘢先! 連基本答題技巧都唔識! 真係自大狂!

In addition, 雖然題目無提及production, 但對此題解釋有極大幫助! 你話本地售出的象牙製品數量增加, 係錯ge盲炳!

2011-09-29 23:32:08 補充:
因為production is fixed, how come the quantity of sale will increase? It doesn't make sense! The only thing is a large quantity of surplus goods retain in the local market. Actually, the demand will slightly fall subsequently.

2011-09-29 23:32:15 補充:
基本上所有學術名詞都有s尾, 唔記得打or something 不重要, 我亦唔會proofread這一段,因這段只給–個自大狂睇

It's enough time for you today. Will check out more later. Dumbass!
2011-09-27 10:27 am
The question is
Which of the following
graphs illustrates the immediate effects on the quantity of ivory products locally sold?

2011-09-27 02:33:17 補充:
點解DEMAND會趺? 係樓主問,唔係題目問,睇清楚先講啦,盲炳。
買本會考答案睇下,HKCEE econ mc 1991/II/25,睇下我有冇講錯。

2011-09-27 03:18:32 補充:
First, I’ve to exam his knowledge in Economic.


2011-09-27 03:36:18 補充:
I’ve to exam his knowledge in Economic.(your sentence)

Economic is an adjective.
Economics is an academic discipline.

你點 examine 我既 knowledge in Economic﹖

2011-09-27 03:48:11 補充:
The ivory product won’t be increased! (your sentence)

個 product 梗係 won’t be increased 啦,increase in size 呀﹖講緊 quantity 呀,執好D英文先啦。

條問題同 production 無關架。

2011-09-27 07:11:48 補充:
好, 有人同我講學術 (your sentence)


2011-09-27 07:17:01 補充:
We’re not discussing the relationship of demand and supply, but WHY will the demand fall? (your sentence)

The second part of the sentence is
We are discussing why the demand will fall. (It is not a question.)
We are discussing why will the demand fall? (wrong)

2011-09-27 07:25:09 補充:
同你講 Economics (not Economic)
係題目冇問 why demand will fall,係樓主自己問,條問題唔關 demand 跌事,樓主咁問係因為佢既 concept 錯左。

我希望你冇讀過 Economics,唔係就真係醜咯。

2011-09-30 02:04:10 補充:
The only thing is a large quantity of surplus goods retain in the local market. Actually, the demand will slightly fall subsequently. (your sentence)

surplus goods 從何而來﹖你冇講但我答案有講。
demand 點解會跌﹖你講唔出。我冇講因為唔會。
你唔識 Econ,唔好同我講。

2011-09-30 02:07:58 補充:
retain 又用錯字,remains。又塞錢入你袋。

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