設計不同ID訂單, 請幫忙中翻英

2011-09-09 11:41 pm
我們不建議此客人下二款設計不同 ID 的AIO訂單,

回答 (7)

2011-09-10 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
我們不建議此客人下二款設計不同 ID 的AIO訂單,

We do not recommend that this client purchase AIO of two different ID
devices. Unless this client is the only dealer of AIO in this part of Argentina,
we would request him to focus on the existing ID device only.

2011-09-10 12:08:31 補充:
client與customer二字太過普遍, 縱有專家學者加以區分定義與用法, 大眾(包含廣大英文母語者)一般都還是視為通用, 很難改變.
不過, 專家學者的見解是值得遵循的.

2011-09-20 15:27:27 補充:
多謝Daiwei大的稚嫩評論, 多加油少說話吧!

2011-09-26 12:01:24 補充:

2011-10-02 16:47:09 補充:
以閣下在英文區的所作所為, 任何發言都會引人鄙視的, 所以省省吧!
參考: *Infinito* 國貿專業
2014-09-12 4:14 am

2011-09-14 3:03 pm
查一下英文字典, 就知道client 與customer的含意和用法差異, 豈可視為通
用, 只是為"用字不當", 自圓其說而已. 有商貿知識者, 也懂得"下訂單" 是"place order with ..." 而并非"purchase".

2011-09-26 08:20:00 補充:
infinito : 我的意見,正剌中了您的要害!!

2011-10-02 09:28:47 補充:
拾人牙慧者, 不要自吹自雷, 誤導其他網友!

2011-10-03 08:04:41 補充:
造票灌票,不管對錯, 此等行為, 是您的取態與認受吧!
2011-09-10 8:42 am
We do not recommend this guest para design under different ID AIO ordersUnless the Argentina area only the guest will sell AIO,Otherwise guests maintain order with ID of AIO.
2011-09-10 8:04 am
I think there's minute difference between a customer and a client.
* customer --> a person who purchases goods or services from another…
* client --> a person or group that uses the professional advice or services of a
lawyer, accountant, advertising agency, architect, etc.

2011-09-10 00:05:49 補充:
2011-09-10 7:43 am
我們不建議此客人下二款設計不同 ID 的AIO訂單,

We don't recommend customers to issue PO (purchase order)
on AIO with two different design IDs. Unless the customer is the
only dealer in that area of Agentina, we would like the customers to
order AIO with the same design ID.

參考: me
2011-09-10 12:58 am
We do not suggest this visitor next two section of design different ID the AIO order form, only if Argentine this region only then this visitor will sell AIO, will otherwise ask this visitor to maintain similarly hereinafter the funds ID AIO order form.

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