中翻英需求~關於報價.市場競爭力的句子翻譯 20點

2011-09-09 12:54 am


回答 (5)

2011-09-09 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
*尋求報價的主要原因是為了比較你們公司跟我們國內廠家之間的價格競爭力. *目前我們政府在政策方面還是偏向以保護國內廠家的利益為優先考量,但這部份如同我之前說的還是有爭取的空間.*所以希望您還是能提供大概的價格讓我們知道你們公司在台灣市場是否有競爭力,我們才能進一步為你們爭取更多利益.

Dear Xxxx,

Our asking for quotation is mainly because of need to compare the price
competitiveness between your good firm and our local suppliers.

Currently our government policies tend to protecting the interest of local
industries in priority; however, as we previously indicated, there still
exists much room of striving in your favor.

In view of this, we hope you will provide approximate range of quotations
enabling us to judge your competing potential in Taiwanese market and
furthermore to seek additional benefits for you.

Best regards,

Xxxx Xxx

2011-09-09 10:57:57 補充:
Our asking for quotation is mainly because of "the" need to compare
參考: *Infinito* 國貿專業
2011-09-10 1:45 am
1. Sourcing price is mainly for comparing the price competitiveness between your firm and our local industries.

2. For the time being our goverment tends to protect local industries' interest based on the priority policy; however, as we previously mentioned, there is still room for development in your favour.

3. Therefore,we hope that you will provide an approximate range of prices for us to evaluate your competition potential in Taiwan market and to strive for much more benefits for you.
2011-09-09 5:38 pm
Dear Sirs,

Your quotation is important to us to evaluate price competitiveness of yours.

At present, the policy of government is tend to be
protectionism, however, as we mentioned previously
there is chance to fight for still.

In view of striving for benefit for your esteemed
company, we hope to have your price to check
if it has competing potential in Taiwan market.
參考: ME
2011-09-09 3:22 pm
* Sought quotes mainly for comparing your company my home price competitiveness between manufacturers.
* Currently we Government policies also tend to protect the interests of domestic manufacturers as a priority, but this part, as I said before there are still a fight for space.
* I hope you can provide about the price of letting us know your company in the Taiwan market is competitive, we can further attract more interest to you.

2011-09-09 2:05 am
* seeks the quoted price the primary cause is to compare your company's with our domestic factory between price competitive power.
* our government is partial at present in the policy aspect take protects the domestic factory the benefit as first to consider, but before this part is similar to me, said that has the striving for space.
* therefore hoped that you can provide the general price to let us know your company in Taiwan market whether to have the competitive power, we can further strive for more benefits for you.

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