改Grammer (不用翻譯網站)

2011-09-07 10:27 pm

1) The contract should cover the company stamp of the signing location.
2) Signing the contract, you sealed to the agreement.
3) The contract is sealed to the signing lcoation.

page 4 尚欠簽署,有關附加資料。
1) Please sign the page 4 for the additional information.
2) There is not signed on the page for the additional information.

回答 (3)

2011-09-08 7:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) The contract should include the company chop at the signing location.
Company chop must be included with the signature for the contact.

page 4 尚欠簽署,有關附加資料。
1) Please sign on page 4 and provide the relevant information.

2011-09-08 5:39 pm
Thank you for your advice
2011-09-08 8:22 am
The contract should be stamped where the signature is written.
The page 4 of the additional information bears no signature.

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