幫幫手,check grammar(book report)

2011-09-06 2:28 am
Book report<Matilda>I’ve read <Matilda> in thissummer holiday. It’s talking about a girl who has magic. It is a family story.The story’s theme is let parents andteachers know they should suggest children’s ideas and teach them in the rightway.The story’s protagonist is Matilda.Matilda is smart and love to read books very much. She always goes to the libraries to readbooks. But her parents and brother like to watch television. When she went to school,she meets a nice teacher call Jennifer honey and a berserk principal. Theprincipal didn’t like the children so she always maltreats the students. One day,Matilda discover severher magic power. And she helps the other teachers and students to expel theprincipal. I like the story because I thinkparents should care the children more, they need more help. I think the bestpart is when Matilda knows her special power that is so surprise.

回答 (3)

2011-09-06 6:17 am
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I read (指定時間, 而且是過去, 應該用past tense, 而不是present perfect) this summer holiday. It is a famous (你想說是著名小說罷) story book. It mentions (人才會talk, 故事書不會) a girl who can play magic / who possesses magic power . The theme of the story is to let parents and teachers know they should suggest children’s ideas (這一句clause意義不清晰, 需要修改) and teach them in the right way.The protagonist of this story (story book是死物, 除非用擬人法, 否則最好不用擁有格) is Matilda. Matilda is smart and she loves to read books very much. She always goes to libraries (一般用plural form而且不是指定事物時不要用definite article - the) to read books. However, (but是連接詞, 在compund / comples sentense中用得着, 但這裡只得一句句子, 怎能多用but) her parents and brother like to watch television. When she goes (真奇怪, 怎麼無故用past tense) to school, she meets a nice teacher called Jennifer and a berserk principal. The principal doesn’t (又出現同樣問題, 你問問自己, 為何要用past tense?) like children (同上述所講一樣, 不應用the) so she always maltreats the students (這裡用the卻是正確, 因為所指是她的學生). Matilda makes use of her magic power to help teachers and students to resist (expel是驅逐之意, 如果你是想說對抗的話, 應用resist) the prncipal. I like the story because I think parents should care about their children much more, they need more help. (不要連續兩句都用 I think) The best way is ...... hen Matilda knows her special power that is so surprise (完全不知這一句想說甚麼, 而且文法全錯, 自己修改過)
沒有人一出生便甚麼也懂, 雖然這篇book report錯誤百出, 但只有肯付出去改善英語程度便可以有進步, 你自己努力努力吧
2011-09-19 6:39 am
Matilda is so surprised since she has a special power.

PS:Believe me la,I read the book at least two times!!
2011-09-06 4:30 am
I read a book "Matilda" in summer holidays. It is a story telling about a girl who has a magic power. The story's theme is let parents or teachers know how to give guidance and suggestions to their children or their students in the right way.

2011-09-05 20:35:31 補充:
Mutilda, the story's protagonist, was very smart and like reading very much. She often went to the library to read various books. But her parents and her younger brother/elder brother like watching television.

2011-09-05 20:39:49 補充:
In her school, there was a nice teacher called Jennifer Honey and a berserk principal. The principal disliked children, so she often maltreated students.
One day, Matilda discovered that she had a magic power.

2011-09-05 20:45:40 補充:
And she helped other teachers and students to expel the principal successfully.
I think that parents should much care for their children because they need more help.

2011-09-05 21:09:17 補充:
The spot I like most is "when Matilda found her special power" because it is so surprise. I'll recommend this book to my classmates.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:13:24
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