Why isn't there an Astrology Category for serious astrology questions?

2011-09-03 10:49 pm
As there are too many ppl asking ridiculous questions. And the ppl that only come here to put down astrology. So I believe we need another category for serious astrologers and leave this Horoscope Category for those that don't believe in astrology or for those asking stupid question or making stupid remarks. I think we should ignore these unwanted characters off the site by not answering their questions or giving them any of our energy. In other words, why don't we just ignore them? Don't answer their dumb questions and let their negative comments remain unanswered? Good idea?

回答 (9)

2011-09-03 10:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Very good idea but it isn't going to happen. Once the subject is open to all, trolls, know nothings, and kids are inevitable. I suggest you try Yahoo Groups. There are all sorts of moderated astrology discussion groups that don't permit what you wish to avoid. You can discuss astrology until your heart is content. Most of the groups welcome beginners and intelligent questions. Good luck.
2011-09-04 12:20 am
You'll have to excuse Chain he doesn't understand the difference between leading questions and genuine solicitation of information. He doesn't understand that people exercising their rights and wish to ask and answer questions about a subject without some drudge butting in telling them why they are wrong to even think about asking the question. In short Chain is precisely the kind of person your proposal seeks to avoid, so it is only natural that he barged in. What's the old song? Oh yeah

Every party has a pooper; that's why we invited you.
Party Pooper! Party Pooper!

Chain is the kind of guy(s) that make me believe in astrology. He has to be from Venus or maybe Neptune because he either didn't read the question, or as an alien, doesn't understand it.I'll bet he has a debilitated Saturn in a Gauquelin sector.

There are all sorts of resources on the web from forums like this one to Yahoo Groups to independent Forums and they are at all levels of expertise. You need a moderated forum. You're bound to find one that will answer your questions. Go there and maybe you'll be lucky and find a mentor. You'll have to hunt for a while though unless you're very lucky. Eventually you'll find what you're looking for.

>Edit: Oh, you want a section were everyone wants their self delusions reinforced. Along with their egos. Maybe establish astrology as a religion and you will get what is wanted.<

Ahhh yes let's put words in my mouth. And by the way where do you get the right to tell anyone else what their "delusions are?" Go after delusions that affect us all like man made global warming, instead of worrying that someone might enjoy something you don't like. Please note: I didn't ask the question. I just pointed out your lopsided closed mind. I have no problem with the way YA is run, and never said otherwise. Apparently you can dish it out but can't take it. The person questioning wants a place where they can ask questions in peace and not be interrupted by obnoxious children at every turn.

Religion? Be serious. You don't know anything about that either, I see. You're afraid that as a religion, astrology would be protected by the US Constitution and that really scares you. Don't worry. It won't be. If you are genuinely interested in what I think, which I doubt , I believe there is a place for religion and a place for astrology, but not at the same table. So you're wrong again Chain. Don't you get sick of it?
2011-09-04 5:12 am
Yes, YA should do Astrologers a favor...make it like a Christmas present.You can't blame the kids for playing on the internet,that's like blaming a wife whose husband abuses her. The Category clearly says ''Entertainment'',so one cannot expect a rocket scientist to spend serious time here,no matter how important many of us feel astrology is...or what we would like this category to be like.

Personally , I am appalled and shocked that someones ICON can be a female with a male penis in her hand..clearly she is having oral sex...where is the outrage with that(maybe by the time i post this it will be gone..but)?..I would rather the kids play and ask stupid questions. I was scrolling through Q's and thought where is the troll squad,or delete monitors..or YA's team?

I don't come here for accolades or even recognition...but dagg when I do come on..it's a battle of egos with adults bashing kids ,as if that makes one expert...let's be real.

I'm not being mean,just saying truth is God . This answer will probably be deleted before the porno icon.

Just a note to you: You have a nice way expression..don't let the kid's work you up,we were all kids once.
參考: Pluto in Leo generation Born into a family of Astrologers
2011-09-03 11:29 pm
If you want consistently serious questions and answers about astrology, start at http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/

You will need to register, but it is free and there are lots of serious astrologers there...

Yahoo Answers is an open forum... I only answer one of of maybe every 50 questions due to the quality (or lack) of most of the questions...
2011-09-03 10:56 pm
Science and Mathematics- alternative science section!!
2011-09-03 11:13 pm
What would be a serious enough question? Does everyone have to be positive toward astrology to be taken seriously? Everything is always basing their on point of view rather than factual evidence. To me, seeking the truth is never negative.

Edit: Oh, you want a section were everyone wants their self delusions reinforced. Along with their egos. Maybe establish astrology as a religion and you will get what is wanted.
2011-09-03 11:20 pm
I totally agree! I'm also tired of my questions and answers being deleted! I have nearly stopped asking and answering.
2011-09-03 11:03 pm
ehh. i know right. that is a good idea. you aquarian revolutionary, you hahha
2011-09-04 5:07 pm
in yahoo's mind (capitalistic website that is only interested with making more money as usual) astrology is bullshit i'm afraid. so it doesn't matter if you are serious or pro or whatever...

just wait till astrology proven as a scientific method for... whatever (never going to happen) hmmmm.... then think like them... if they were to create new category for "serious people" there would be like zillions categories.

serious philosophers who don't want to help your homework.
serious socialists who don't want to answer why marxism sucks.
serious football fans who want to talk about messi's technique and ****, no idea.

do you see how utopic is that now? there are serious people and there are people who don't give a ****. that why this website called answers and not theories and antithesis.

this website is supposed to be simple. ask a question, not too spesific (as it has been proven zillion times) and get your answer (which you can get from google too.)

all in all, that's what it is and if you are too spesific and pro you should go somewhere else.
參考: aspicco; eat my shit. you are nothing but a broken record who keep repeating the most obvious. if quality of questions that bad and if you are so picky with your answers, your answers totally sucks for a person being that picky and expecting quality i should say. i have seen many 5 or 6 words of your answers, what kind of a quality is that??

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