
2011-08-26 8:58 pm
造成不便 敬請見諒

回答 (7)

2011-08-26 10:26 pm
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造成不便 敬請見諒

NOTICEAs the parking lot elevator is currently under maintenance, visitors
handicapped or with big luggages should please enter at the building gate.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused thereby.Maintenance period: September 13th - 23rd

2011-08-27 13:28:37 補充:
您的回答大部份引用拙譯內容, 應該註明一下吧?
參考: *Infinito*
2011-08-28 7:36 pm
Notice of Lift Repair Work
Owing to the repair work of the parking lot lifts to be carried out bewteen 13th-23rd September, 2011, the visitors carrying big luggage or the handicapped are kindly advised/requested to enter at the building gate.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

2011-08-28 11:55:22 補充:
Owing to ... at the building gate ------> Owing to ... at the building gate during the aforesaid period.
注意: 施工日期是9 月13日至9月23日.
2011-08-28 8:05 am
In a car park elevator maintenance and repairLarge baggage or mobilityTai gateSorry inconvenienceDuring the September 13
2011-08-27 4:16 am
「根據Yahoo!奇摩知識+的定義,此問題的標題可能『過於含糊籠統』。請於標題註明:【原文語言】、【譯文語言】、【內容綱要】,否則您本身可能必須承擔此問題事後被移除的風險。另外,翻譯文句超過5行(或100個中文字)視同違反版規,此類問題移除率很高,大多數的回答者是幾乎不會去看內容的。請參考:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid= 1611081205129」
2011-08-27 1:24 am
As the parking lot elevator is currently under maintenance.

Visitors with big luggages or handicapped please enter from the main gate.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Maintenance period: September 13th - 23rd
2011-08-26 10:36 pm
People with large luggage or disability, please get off at the entry due to the elevator in the parking lot is under maintenance. Construction duration: Sep. 13th ~ 23rd. Thanks for your understanding if any inconvenience caused.
參考: myself
2011-08-26 9:52 pm
In the parking lot elevator maintenance service has the large-scale baggage or the moving about with difficulty please utmost entrance get out to create ask respectfully excuse me construction period inconveniently on September 13 on ~23rd

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