
2011-08-17 6:29 am
那就好了. 希望你會好快找到工作. 保持聯絡.

回答 (6)

2011-08-17 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

That's good, I hope you'll find a job soon. Keep up with me.

"That's good" 可以用 "That's great" 來代替(儘管 "That's great" 比較近似「很利害」的意思)。
用 "you'll" 是表示「你」將會找到工作(不是現在)。
"Keep up" 可以用 "Keep in touch" 或 "Keep contact" 來代替,都是「保持聯絡」的意思。
而用上 "with me" 是讓句子的意思更完整。


2011-08-18 10:48:39 補充:
參考: 喵肯兄
2011-08-17 6:31 pm
For goodness sake you'll find a job sooner or later and do keep in touch.
2011-08-17 4:54 pm
So much the better. I hope you will soon find a good job. Keep in touch.
2011-08-17 7:32 am
您好!我是kellyku0705 希望我的回答對您有幫助!

So much the better. I hope you will soon find a good job. Keep in touch.


參考: 我
2011-08-17 6:54 am
So much the better. I hope you will soon find a good job. Keep in touch.
參考: me
2011-08-17 6:32 am
That's great, hope you can find job soon. Keep contacts.
參考: me

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