passive voice

2011-08-10 7:51 am
以下呢句係我phy lab report 嘅句子
我唔係好知點轉成passive voice (past tense)
1.Note whether the same result is obtained.

1.It was noted whether the same result is/was obtained.


回答 (1)

2011-08-10 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Whether the same result is obtained is noted.

"Whether the same result is obtained" is a noun clause and the subject of the sentence.

Some more examples:
Where he ended up is not known.
How the money was stolen is a mystery.
Whether he completes the task is not our concern.

2011-08-10 00:13:39 補充:
Whether the same result is obtained was noted. (past tense as it is a lab report)

2011-08-10 00:16:54 補充:
Sorry, one more time

Whether the same result was obtained was noted. (past tense as it is a lab report)

2011-08-10 00:18:35 補充:
Without discharging the capacitor, add one more cell and observe what happens.

前面果部分要唔要轉passive voice
No, only the subject (if available) and the object are reversed.

Without discharging the capacitor, one more cell was added and what happened afterwards was observed.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:09:15
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