
2011-08-06 3:48 pm
He returned from the war a different person. 係啱,

She recovered from the disaster a more resilient person. 係錯,
He came up from the collapsed mine a hero. 都錯。
要寫成 A hero came up from the collapsed mine. 先啱。
He returned from the war a hero. 係啱定錯。



回答 (8)

2011-08-07 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
I let "佢" be a man/boy, so it translate it as:
"I have never seen that, I beg he was wrong."
參考: Me
2011-08-09 10:15 pm
發問者: Suggested answers : (1) He, a different person, returned home safe after the war. (2) She, a resilient person, was recovered soon after the disaster.
(3) A hero came forward when the mine was collapsing. (4) He was deemed a hero after his return from the war.
2011-08-07 11:47 pm
AhShing and Ling,

That you can rewrite a sentence does not prove the original sentence wrong.

2011-08-07 15:56:01 補充:
What do you think of the following sentences? Are they correct?

The shoppers left the store empty-handed.
The boxer came down the ring defeated.
The boxer came down the ring a defeated man.

2011-08-07 15:59:06 補充:
Ling, your answer
He returned from the war a different person. 係啱,
She recovered from the disaster a more resilient person. 係錯

How is the second sentence different from the first one?

2011-08-07 16:09:45 補充:
Your interpretation of the third sentence is not accurate, if not completely wrong.
"He came home a hero" does not mean "coming home made him a hero".

2011-08-07 16:30:28 補充:
That you can rewrite a sentence in a clumsier form only serves to prove the original sentence better.

2011-08-08 07:43:41 補充:
Is anyone knows?
I am sure no one is know.

2011-08-08 10:43:13 補充:
粗口仔,English is not weird. English is a wonderful language.
It is your English that is weird.

Why "going to say" when the sentence has been fully written.
It should be
Does anyone know what this guy is saying?

2011-08-08 12:20:47 補充:
That you can rewrite a sentence (a noun clause) =/= Your rewrite sentence (noun)

You have distorted the original sentence again.

2011-08-08 12:29:02 補充:
Rewrite is either a verb or a noun, not an adjective.
Your rewritten sentence, not rewrite sentence.

粗口仔, your English standard is below that expected of a high school graduate. It is time you brushed (past tense) your English.

2011-08-08 12:30:45 補充:
It is time you brushed up your English.

You should be grateful again for learning another English lesson free.

2011-08-09 07:48:29 補充:
I am sure no one is know. (NO ONE IS KNOW???)

This is your sentence, not mine.

2011-08-09 07:50:26 補充:
Your sentence

008 Is anyone knows what is this guy going to say?

2011-08-09 07:51:45 補充:
有recognized bodies 去certify 你既粗口得唔得﹖
2011-08-07 10:00 pm
He returned from the war a different person. 係啱,
He is a different person after returning from the war.

She recovered from the disaster a more resilient person. 係錯,
She became a more resilient person after recovery from the disaster.

He came up from the collapsed mine a hero. 都錯。
He became a hero after coming up from the collapsed mine.

要寫成 A hero came up from the collapsed mine. 先啱。
He returned from the war a hero. 係啱定錯。
He becasme a hero afer returning from the war.

It has not been seen so it is assumed as error.
2011-08-07 8:47 am
It should be:
- He was a different person after returning from the war.
- She was a more resilient person after recovering from the disaster.
- That he came up from the collapsed mine made him a hero.
2011-08-07 8:05 am


2011-08-07 7:06 am
He returned from the war a different person. 係錯文法.
要寫成 He returned from the war, becoming a different person.

She recovered from the disaster a more resilient person. 當然係錯
要寫成 She recovered from the disaster, growing into a more resilient person.

He came up from the collapsed mine a hero. 都係錯
但應該寫成 Having come up from the collaspsed mine, he was deemed a hero.


He considers those having never been seen as wrong.
2011-08-07 4:59 am
發問者: 擅長領域: garlic2010 ( 博士級 3 級) 程式語言 | 英文


Your title should be taken off then! XD

If you know the answer, what is your purpose of this question???

Now here is my suggestion:

mei gin gor don kui chor

Yeah! Give me 20 marks! 叻我至叻! wof....woffffff

2011-08-07 10:33:16 補充:
I strongly agree with ahShing and ginger! Yeah!!!!

2011-08-08 00:27:43 補充:
That you can rewrite a sentence does not prove the original sentence wrong.

Is anyone knows what is this guy going to say? What a clumsy sentence!

Your rewrite sentence can't prove the original sentence is wrong.

2011-08-08 00:33:56 補充:
Ling: your interpretations are wrong. There is a strict rule to interpret this sentence structure! English is weird! I don't recommend students to learn this sentence structure except they can master their English well.

2011-08-09 00:31:58 補充:
010: Garlic wrote: I am sure no one is know. (NO ONE IS KNOW???)
what's that? New grammar rule?

2011-08-09 00:38:58 補充:
Garlic, you are arrogant enough to make sick! Actually, your English is crap. Tell people to learn English with you! OMG! I know you have many followers and they never speak up in front of you. You turd!

2011-08-09 00:39:07 補充:
You have so many excuses on your own mistakes. For instance, by changing a preposition can change a noun's meaning! Is that weird enough in English,粗口仔?

2011-08-09 00:46:03 補充:
你同人爭吵都有唔小前科啦, 真係唔知羞! 自已ge 錯又話人哋唔識, 我諗你真係自大到認為你講ge 先係啱, OMG!!!! Please forgive this guy's arrogance!

2011-08-09 00:51:49 補充:
我ge English level 唔須要一個garbage 去認同. 我ge English 得唔得有recognized bodies 去certify. Don't worry, turd!

2011-08-09 22:16:15 補充:
D 粗口有你去certify咪夠la. 你有甘多爭吵經驗, 真係哩方面係你至叻. 比你5粒星又點話la.

2011-08-10 22:21:00 補充:
哩條問題直頭係垃圾! 答佢都係多餘. 本人不遣建議玩弄文章或作個人主意在此學術交流ge 平台.
參考: I learn it from a nasty critic!

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