
2011-08-06 11:18 am
__________ my daughter is big enough to take care of herself, I don't need a full-time maid.
A. Ever since
B. Now that
C. As regards
D. On the other hand

A: Ever since my daughter is big enough to take care of herself, I don't need a full-time maid.
B: Now that my daughter is big enough to take care of herself, I don't need a full-time maid.
點解答A就岩, 答B就唔岩? 呢度用ever since 同 now that 有咩分別?

回答 (2)

2011-08-06 2:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Actually B is the correct answer.

Now that my daughter is big enough to take care of herself, I don't need a full-time maid.

Now is a conjunction in the sentence.

Now that = For the reason that

Since can be used but not "ever since".

Since my daughter is big enough to take care of herself, I don't need a full-time maid.

Since = Because = In view of the fact that

2011-08-06 06:07:55 補充:
To thread owner,
The questions you asked are all very good questions.
2011-08-07 8:07 am


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