I want to start a blog about astrology so which blog would be the best choice?

2011-08-04 1:07 am
Where is the best place to start an atsrology blog meant to teach people. Should I start my blog using yahoo blogs, blog spot, or livejournal? Thanks!

回答 (5)

2011-08-04 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Tumblr is the best but out of your preferences I say go with livejournal.
參考: alifelongwait.tumblr.com
2011-08-04 10:33 am
i have a free blog on wordpress.
been doing it since December 2009. works well. don't know about the others you mention.
mine discusses astrology, intuition, spirituality, practicality, metaphysics, philosophy.
lots of astrology blogs out there.

mine: http://cosmictuesdays.wordpress.com

i belong to a private astrology bloggers group on Facebook. we have 147 members.
PM me if you like.
2011-08-04 12:44 pm
Go with LiveJournal! And add me on there. ;P
2011-08-04 10:37 am
I've used blogspot in the past, and think it generally works well. However, I am advised that wordpress is an even better alternative.
2011-08-04 8:16 am
I've begun writing about the daily placements, but I just use facebook notes.

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