
2011-07-27 10:06 am
Well you know I think China has an enormousinterest in solving this problem. You know if you talk to Chinese leaders Ithink they will acknowledge immediately that if over billion Chinese citizenshave the same living patterns as Australians and Americans do right now thenall of us are in for very miserable time, the planet just can’t sustain it, sothey understand that they’ve got to make a decision about a new model that ismore sustainable that allow them to pursue the economic growth that they’repursuing while at the same time dealing with these environment consequences. SoI think they understand intellectually. Right now though they’re understandableimpulse is to say well let’s let the developed countries, the Australia, andthe Americas deal with this problem first and we’ll get to it when we’ve caughtup a little bit in terms of our standard of living. The point we’ve tried tomale we can’t, we can’t allow China to wait. We have to take responsibility anddo what needs to be done, but if emerging countries not just China but alsoIndia, Brazil and other are pursuing a path in which they replace us as thelargest carbon emitters, that’s not a sustainable practical approach, so we’regoing to have everybody moving on the same track at the same time.

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2011-08-01 8:29 pm
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2011-08-03 05:43:30 補充:
參考: 喵肯兄
2011-07-27 5:57 pm

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