
2011-07-26 8:09 am


回答 (5)

2011-07-27 5:40 am
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It seems never success in taking photo for my cat because the sound from the shutter scares it and makes it looks at the other side.

我個人認為這一段應用現在式來表達,因為是一個慣性行為 "極都極唔倒"。

2011-08-04 13:59:48 補充:
Thanks for your comments "ginger2011"

I admitted that there WAS a grammatical mistake in this sentence "makes it looks" but I couldn't find that there was any problem in this one "It seems never success" ???
參考: Myself
2011-08-05 8:40 am
"It seems never success" is incorrect.

It is never a success taking a photo of my cat ...
I have not been successful in taking a photo of my cat ...
2011-08-04 7:38 am
It seems never success in taking photo for my cat because the sound from the shutter scares it and makes it looks at the other side.

There are some grammatical errors!
"It seems never success" ???
"makes it looks" ===> makes it look
2011-07-26 5:46 pm
I helped cat shade, but I press the button to "clean" sound, the second channel immediately looked so very are very Well inverted shadow.
2011-07-26 8:42 am
I was taking photos for my cat, but I failed to get a good shot. It was because whenever I pressed the button with a click, it looked immediately at the other direction.

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