How do you pronounce the word "police"?

2011-07-22 7:42 pm
For British or Australian speakers, how do you pronounce the word "police"?

Do you pronounce it as "poe lice" or "pah lice"?

Same as other words with "o" in these situations, such "polite, professor, tomato", do you pronounce it like "o" or "ah"? Thank you very much. Please tell me which country you are from too, thanks.

回答 (8)

2011-07-22 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm not British or Australian, but in the U.S. it's usually pronounced "k-ah-ps."
2011-07-22 7:51 pm

the 'i' sounds more like an 'e' when you say it.

In polite, professor and tomato, the 'o's sound like oh. Although depending on whether you are trying American English or British English the 'a' in 'tomato' might be different
2011-07-22 7:48 pm
poh - lees
參考: Hooked on phonics works for me!
2011-07-22 7:45 pm
It depends because there is not one British accent example: Manchunian, Cockney... In certain areas is may be "poe lice" but in other's it may be "pah lice." It's the same with Australians.
參考: I've observed British accents personally and have heard many, many different Australian accents.
2011-07-22 7:44 pm
Police USA: "Poll-Lease"
2011-07-22 11:00 pm

I'm irish :)
2011-07-22 7:50 pm
poh leis
2011-07-22 7:46 pm
I say poo lies

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