
2011-07-12 6:13 pm
為什麼銀行的利息是按360天來計算的呢? 借 $100,000 年息 5.4% 本應是 $100,000 x 5.4% = $5,400 但若用360天計算 便會多給了利息呀 $100,000 x 5.4% x 365/360 = $5,475


回答 (3)

2011-07-14 2:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你的計算方法正確,後久以前銀行已經將一個月視為30日,一年為360 日。

以360天一年來計算,實際年利率是 5.475% 而不是銀行稱的 5.4%。

向銀行借款前必須看清楚細節,問清楚年息是以365 日還是360 日計算。
2011-07-13 5:46 am
No, it isn't correct.

Your total interest should not be exceeded $5400 even though there are 360 days annually. If you've to pay your interest yearly, your initial year's interest is $5400 only. It doesn't matter with how many days that you really want to allocate, or how you're going to spread it over a year. The fact is the total amount of interest is 5.4% of $100,000. Don't misinterpret the payment term yourself. Calculations may be differ, and it really depends on how the payment terms are defined.

2011-07-14 11:34:53 補充:
Garlic, if the bank said the actual interest rate is 5.4%, the borrowing interest should not be more than $5400 for the first year. It couldn't be more unless there are hidden terms in the contract, but it's illegal!
2011-07-12 6:14 pm

我自己都去開, 希望可以幫到你~ ^T^

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