I am no expert

2011-07-12 8:13 am
"I'm no exeprt"

This quote is usually seen in movies.

Why don't they say "I'm not (an) expert."

The latter sentence seems more grammatical to me.

Can someone explain on this? Thanks.

回答 (8)

2011-07-13 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am no expert. = I am not an expert at all.

Therefore, "I am no expert" is more emphatic.

Definition of no (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/no):
2. Not at all; not close to being: He is no child.

Definition of no (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/no):
not at all; far from being: He is no genius.

He is not a genius. = stating a fact (他不是天才)
He is no genius. = emphasizing that he is far from being a genius (他離天才差得遠啊)

2011-07-14 11:45 pm
以前美國總統選舉,副手候選人辯論時,一個年輕的好像叫 Quale 自稱可以跟甘乃迪媲美。對手正好年紀很大的,曾和甘乃迪共事過,他說:I know John Kennedy, and you are no John Kennedy. 當然意思是:你差甘乃迪差太多了。而不是說你不是甘乃迪而已。
2011-07-12 7:22 pm
"I'm no exeprt"沒有文法錯誤, 跟口語不口語無關.
2011-07-12 6:22 pm
lol i was thinking about same thing before i look at your comment Paul
2011-07-12 6:02 pm
Louis is great!
2011-07-12 5:25 pm
The word "no" can be used as a determiner, an adverb, or a noun.

When it is used before a noun, "no" is a determiner and means "not a" or "not any" or "not one." When "no" is used in signs and on notices, it is to show that somethign is not allowed.

When "no" is used to give negative answer, it is an adverb.
A: Did you go to the shops?
B: No, I forgot.

"No" can be used bofore an adjecive as an adverb.
The exam is no more difficult than the tests you have been doing in class.
The issues are of no great interest to me. (= only a little interest)

"No" can also be used as a noun.
14 ayes to 169 noes -- the noes have it.

When you say "I am not an expert," it also means "I am no expert." Both are grammatically correct. You can use the former to show your strong emotion: I am NOT an export.

2011-07-12 09:28:03 補充:
typo: something
參考: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 2003 edition p.840
2011-07-12 9:14 am
"expert" can also be 形容詞. Similar to:

I am no good.
I am no good on baseball.
I am no expert on English grammar.
I have no expert advise for you.
2011-07-12 9:02 am
口語, 有時 不太有文法
老黑 還會說 I ain't no expert. (double negative, still the same meaning).

2011-07-14 14:06:40 補充:
cavalier 小姐, 送你一句話: People who live in glass houses (shouldn't throw stones)。

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