
2011-07-11 11:23 pm
廠商的信: (廠商是日本人)
We will be visiting UMC(8D) on July 19(Tue), in the afternoon. Ton-san will be away in the U.S. and wewill be visiting there by ourselves. If possible, I want to meet with Andy during my visit there just to say thank you and hello andexchange name cards. Please check if he is available. Does he speak English? If Mandarin is his only language, then, Ihave to take some make-haste (impromptu)lessons. Looking forward to hearing from youshortly.

請告訴我, 我應該要如何回覆這封信呢??
我剛剛有打電話跟Andy說廠商想要去拜訪他, 但是Andy說不用!!
Andy很堅持說不用, 可是我總不能跟廠商說Andy不要吧!!
下面是我想到回覆的內容, 但是英文我不知道要如何寫, 請幫忙我, 感激!! (有其他不錯的建議都可以提供給我)
Dear XXX
詢問過Andy之後, Andy表示您太過客氣了. 謝謝您心意~
不過很抱歉19號當天Andy有其他要事要忙, 所以不方便與您見面, 真的很抱歉!!
不過您的心意他收到了, 謝謝!!

回答 (4)

2011-07-11 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案

We’re in receipt of your July xx email (letter) and Andy is also pleased to hear that you’re coming over to Taiwan . However, we regret to inform you that he won’t be available on July 19 because of his awfully tight schedule. Hopefully, we’ll have the chance to re-arrange it some time in the future. Sincerely yours, Xxxx
(註: 因為目前距July 19還有幾天,建議您也不妨和Andy繼續遊說下去;使用的理由:對方只是禮貌性拜訪交換一下名片,至多花他十五至二十分鐘,不會糾纏或逗留太久。因為對Andy來說,常來或想拜訪他們的廠商很可能多如過江之鯽,他會覺得滿浪費他的時間。如果在你契而不捨的數次 follow-up phone calls後他仍堅持原意,再回上列的信件也不遲 (終究對你們的立場來說 是有些尷尬的)
2011-07-12 12:01 pm
Dear Mr.XXX/Miss XXX,

Thank you for your email/letter of/dated (dd/mm/yy) regarding your visit to us.

We regret to inform you that our Mr.Andy XXX has scheduled a business trip for18th/19th July, so he is not available that day.He can speak English and Mandarin.

We hope that we will have a chance to make another arrangement in the future. Your support is highly appreciated.

Best regards,

(Your Title)
2011-07-12 6:21 am
Dear XXX
詢問過Andy之後, Andy表示您太過客氣了. 謝謝您心意~
不過很抱歉19號當天Andy有其他要事要忙, 所以不方便與您見面, 真的很抱歉!!
不過您的心意他收到了, 謝謝!!

Dear XXX,

Andy is pleased by your courteousness and thanks your friendly gesture. Regrettably, he will be unable to break from the 19th previous engagement. I am sure he will be more than happy to rearrange the visit, if the situation is permissive. Nevertheless, it is the thought that counts.


2011-07-12 12:06 am
1. 謝謝他打算來訪的安排2. 與Andy 確認過, 他的行程已充分安排, 不說明只在19日當天以防客戶說他可以改別天年時,您就無法交差了.3. 他隨時可以用email 聯繫. 提醒您, 最好把這封信copy給您的主管, 至少Andy一定要收到. Email以前您可能要輕描淡寫口頭告訴Andy您要回信的內容即可. Dear xxx-san, We appreciated your arrange for coming to visit us. I just checked with Andy, unfortunately the schedule for him is very tight. Andy speaks Mandarin as well as English, but we prefer to communicate in Mandarin to prevent any misunderstanding. However, due to Andy’s schedule has been fully tight up, therefore, he could not spare his time for your coming. If you have any question regarding to product, you may email us, we will try to support you as best as we can. Best regards,Xxxx(your name).
參考: 僅供參考.

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