1個英文問題: verb after comma(20分)

2011-07-10 8:31 am

Gangs of teens prowled the area, burning unattended construction sites, stealing TVs or the few households appliances people owned.

問題一:我想問,點解burning 要加ing, stealing 要加ing?
問題二:此是relative clauses?


回答 (3)

2011-07-19 11:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
問題一:我想問,點解burning 要加ing, stealing 要加ing?
答: 如果唔加 ing,句子有甚麼別﹖

Gangs of teens prowled the area, burned unattended construction sites, stole TVs or the few households appliances people owned.

句子犯 run-on 錯誤。
A run-on (or run-on sentence) is a sentence that really has TWO sentences (or complete ideas) INCORRECTLY combined into one.

prowled the area, burned unattended sites, stole TVs 係三個 idea,burn, steal 唔加 ing,句子要咁寫:

Gangs of teens prowled the area, burned unattended construction sites, and stole TVs or the few households appliances people owned.

句子加上 and 表示三句平衡句。

用 burning, stealing,句中只有一個 main idea,就是 Gangs of teens prowled the area,burning 同 stealing 係 present participle 現在分詞,在句中是用來表逹行動但不是同 main idea 平衡,而係由主句引伸。

問題二:此是relative clauses?
答: 不是。 relative clause 作用是將名詞修飾,通常有 who/which 等字。

the few households appliances people owned
people owned 是 relative clauses,修飾 households appliances

burning unattended construction sites
stealing TVs or ...
答: 這兩句是 participle phrases。

(1) 用於表逹原因。
Feeling tired, she went to bed early.

(2) 用於表逹事情的時間。
Coming out of the cinema, he saw John in the lobby.

(3) 由一事件帶出其他事件。問題中節錄句子屬此一類。
People crowded the museum, marvelling at the wonder of the exhibits.

participle phrase 是沒有主詞 (subject) 的, participle phrase 中事件主角就是主句的主詞。

2011-07-18 7:36 am


2011-07-11 6:57 am
Q1 : " burning... stealing " in this phrase are the present participle as ( verb ).

Q2 : These are not the " Relative clause " . The clause it would be with the
subject and predicate verb.

Q3 : Those are three " participle phrases. "

Q4 : 表述/報導是一宗事情,多數不需要subject, predicate verb.

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