
2011-07-04 7:54 pm
2.新品(非不良品)換貨問題: (產品換貨甲方的升級版本),運費甲方乙方各付一半

回答 (3)

2011-07-05 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
The terms and conditions in relation to "return of defective product(s)" and /or "replacement of new product(s)".

1. Should any defective products are found in excess of the reasonable ratio (one percent or 3/1000) specified in this contract, the Party B shall keep the defective ones untill its accumulation reaches a fixed quantity while the transport fee for returning the afore-said defective goods will be at the Party A's account.

2. The transport fee of the replacement for the non-defective products and/or new products(including upgrading products) shall be shared equally between both the parties.

3. The Party B shall notify the Party A of any replacements for the defective producds within three months but not exceeding six months, faling which, the replacements shall be rejected.

4. No return and/or replacement are allowed in the event that the products are unpacked and its inspection conditions are notified to the Party A not later than three months.

5. Any transport fee arising from uncertained factors and/or conditions should be discussed by both the parties.

2011-07-05 01:22:07 補充:
typing mistake : faling-----> failing

2011-07-05 01:25:43 補充:
Correction : No return and/or replacement -----> Any returns and/or replacements

2011-07-05 08:52:58 補充:
Correction : (one percent or 3/1000) .....> (1 % or 0.3%)
will be at the Party A's account ......> will be for the Party A's account

2011-07-05 09:04:08 補充:
Sentence 4 : Please delete the word "not" and disregard the correction : No return and/or replacement ------> Any returns and/or replacements.
2011-07-04 9:33 pm
2.新品(非不良品)換貨問題: (產品換貨甲方的升級版本),運費甲方乙方各付一半

Rules/Regulations for Goods Returning(flawed products) and Exchanging(brand-new products)

1. If the percentage of flawed goods does not go beyond 1% (or 3/1000), it is considered reasonable. Please keep those products until
a certain quantity is reached. We will accept merchandise-returning and afford the fee of transportation.

2. Return for brand-new products: Buyers who want to upgrate the goods, please pay half of the fee.

3. Return for flawed goods: Please inform us in three months and we will be in charge of the fee. Goods return over six months will be rejected.

4. Return for seal-off products which do not have definite test condition or result information in three months are not flawed. Sending back will not be accepted.

5. Problems for fee aside from what mentioned above need discussion.
參考: 自己
2011-07-04 8:28 pm


1. the fraction defective ratio in 1% (or 3/1000) should be in the reasonable scope, the nondefective please do not retain in the second party, after collecting the ration, then unifies returns, the transport expense bear by the first party .

2.The new product (nondefective) does not exchange goods the question: (product exchanging goods first party's promotion edition), the transport expense first party second party pays half respectively .

3.The nondefective does not exchange goods the question? Must in three months inform (transport expense by the first party burden), surpasses a half year not to be able to replace .

4.Has opened the goods, and has not mentioned the test condition, but surpasses three months to return goods, does not calculate the nondefective, cannot return goods .

5.Non-above mentioned other unknown conditions, the transport expense other discuss again .

2011-07-04 17:14:26 補充:

非常抱歉我沒有注意看,Pardon me.(原諒我ok?)



The nondefective does not return goods or the new product exchanges goods the provision
參考: 一點一滴的幫您分段打~, 原諒我ok?

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