
2011-06-23 10:37 pm
大學時期所念的是興老人服務相關科系,讓我更了解用細心、愛心、耐心來對待他人,也非常幸運的得到了去法國實習二個月的機會,因此對於日常生活所用法文略知一二,而自國中開始接觸到英文就對英文十分有興趣,也非常喜歡和外國人交談,在畢業前夕便開始規劃自己的職業生涯,很順利的在畢業後得到了去資生堂工作的機會。  進入職場後讓我從公司及顧客身上學習到非常多的東西,我也發現在工作職場上學習到的與打工時期及學校所教的是完全不同的,不僅要將份內工作做好之外,以及具備相當的責任感,團隊精神也是相常重要的,一綑木棒的力量遠勝過一隻木棒,而能夠在一個團隊裡生活長久,人際關係也是非常重要的,我相信誠以待人、虛心受教、學會聆聽、時時替別人著想,是不二法門,而想要維持長久的顧客關係,親切的態度和煦的笑容、將心比心、獲得顧客的信任是最重要的,雖然在工作第三年最尖峰的時刻毅然決然辭去工作,為了可以全心全意的準備朝夢想前進,我相信人因夢想而偉大,滾石不生苔,不斷的進步及學習是我對自己的期許。 我誠摯希望有這個機會可以到貴公司服務,我將全力以赴,用我最熱誠的心、最親切的笑容,讓每位所遇到的旅客都能感受到溫暖與窩心。

回答 (8)

2011-12-19 9:51 pm

2011-06-29 1:32 am
My name is XXX. I have had a beautiful dream to become a flight attendant(steward/ stewardess) and to fly to the blue sky since I was a little girl(boy). There are four people in my family, my parents, an older brother and me(I). My dad thinks we children should have global perspectives. Therefore we have had more chances of going abroadfor sightseeing. I have found the attendants are smiling and cordial (kind) to offer their service. Thatis very impressive.
In college, my majors were the subjects closely related to the service of theelders. I learned to treat others with more love, patience and consideration.Luckily I had the chance to go to France to receive practical trainingfor two months. Now I can speak a little everyday French. And I have beeninterested in English since the period of junior high school. I’d like to talkwith foreigners to practice my spoken English. Fortunately I got a job to workfor Shiseido after graduation. I have learned much from my company and customers. I have found there is a greatdifference between the practical career and the part-time job or the school. Weshould not only accomplish the work of our part but we should also have senseof responsibility. Team spirit (Teamwork) is very important. A bundle of sticksis mightier than a single stick. To stay long in a group or a career,interpersonal relationship is very important too. To treat others honestly, tobe open-minded, to learn to listen to others patiently and to be thoughtful ofothers are the only way. And what is the most important is to win the hearts ofthe customers. But I retired in the third year for the purpose of fulfilling mybeautiful dream. A person becomes great because of his (her) dream. I am sureof myself. I sincerely hope I can be admitted to your company. Ipromise I will do my best with my warmest heart and my kindest smile to serve thepassengers and let them feel warm and sweet.
2011-06-27 3:52 pm
My name is xxx, becomes f, fly to the sky is my childhood wish. With four members in the House, I have a brother, father believes that children should have an international Outlook, so young to have a lot experience to play abroad, often encounter kind f smiley people, services, make me a better understanding of the vision of the industry.University period by read of is Hing elderly service related branch Department, let I more understanding with carefully, and love, and patience to treat others, also very lucky of get has to France practice two months of opportunities, therefore for daily life by with French knows, and since country in the began contact to English on on English very has interest, also very like and foreigners talk, in graduated Eve will began planning own of career career, is smooth of in graduated Hou get has to Shiseido work of opportunities.
  After entering the job market from the company and my customers to learn a lot of things, I also found in the workplace learning and working periods and schools are teaching is completely different, Not only will work well in addition to, and have quite a sense of teamwork is often important that, a bundle of the power of the stick is far better than a stick, And can in a team in life long, interpersonal relationships is very important of, I believe Cheng to others, and modestly taught, and society listening, and always for the others sake, is one, and wanted maintained long of customer relationship, cordial of attitude warm of smile, and care from, and get customer of trust is most important of, although in work third years most tip peak of moments firmly resigned from work, to can wholeheartedly of prepared towards dream forward, I believe people because dream and great, rolling stone not health Moss, constantly of progress and the learning is I on own of hopes.
2011-06-27 12:46 am

My name is xxx, becoming a flight attendant and fly towards the blue sky is my dream since I was little. There are four members in my family, I have an elder brother as well. My dad thinks kids should be international, so since I was little, I've had many experiences of visiting other countries. Everytime when I see the smile on the flight attendant's face, it makes me more wanting to do this job when I grew up.

When I was in college, I studied in a department related to the service for elder people, which I learnt how to be patient and caring towards others. And I was lucky to have a chance to go to France for two months as a chance for practice, where I learned some basic French. Since Middle school, when I first starting to learn English, I think English is a very interesting thing to learn, and I love communicating with foreigners. Before graduating, I already started to plan my future, and I was lucky to have a job in ''資生堂->自己找英文名字" right after I graduated.   進入職場後讓我從公司及顧客身上學習到非常多的東西,我也發現在工作職場上學習到的與打工時期及學校所教的是完全不同的,不僅要將份內工作做好之外,以及具備相當的責任感,團隊精神也是相常重要的,一綑木棒的力量遠勝過一隻木棒,而能夠在一個團隊裡生活長久,人際關係也是非常重要的

After I started working, I learnt many things from my company and costomers. I figured out the things I learn in work is totally different to the things I learn in school. Not only we have to do a good job, we also have to have a good responsibilities. Working as a group is also very important, a bundle of stick is way better than a single stick. To servive in a group, friendships is also very important.

2011-06-26 16:47:01 補充:

2011-06-26 16:48:14 補充:
Even though I quit my job in the third year of working in that company, but that is how I can put all my heart into preparing to move to my next dream. I believe dreams are what makes people real, I am making myself learn and learn as my own hope to myself.

2011-06-26 16:48:18 補充:

I honestly hope I can have a chance to work in this company, I will pour all my heart, use my most attractive smile to let every single treaverls to feel the warm and love we give!
參考: meee ah :)
2011-06-24 1:09 am
發問者: 001和002回答者皆使用網上軟體譯成的,英語語法錯漏百出.
2011-06-24 12:35 am
2011-06-24 12:34 am
My name is xxx, becomes the air server, to fly to the blue sky is my wish since childhood. In the family has four members, has an elder brother above me, daddy thought that the children should have the international view, therefore has the experience which since childhood many study abroads play, often meets the smiling face to welcome the human, the service kind air server, lets me deepen to this profession expectation. What the university time reads is popular old person to serve the related branch department, lets me understand that with careful, the compassion, the patience treats other people, also very lucky obtained has gone to France to practise two month-long opportunities, therefore used the French regarding the daily life to know something about, but started from the country to contact English to have the interest to English, also liked with the foreigner talking, eve then started in the graduation to plan own professional profession, very smooth after graduation obtained has gone to the opportunity which Shiseido worked.

2011-06-23 16:36:17 補充:
After entering the work place, lets me studies from the company and the customer body to very many things, I also discovered what studies on the work place with works the time and the school teaches is completely different, not only beside must complete the duty-bound work

2011-06-23 16:37:01 補充:
As well as has the suitable sense of responsibility, the team spirit is also is often important, a bunch of wooden bat's strength exceeds a wooden bat far, but can 夠 live for a long time in a team, the interpersonal relationship is also very important, I believed t

2011-06-23 16:37:24 補充:
that waits for the human, to receive modestly honestly

2011-06-23 16:37:55 補充:
Teaches, the academic society to listen respectfully, to consider at times for others, is the only way, but wants the maintenance long-time customer relations, the kind manner genial smiling face, feels for others, obtains customer's trust is most important, although is working

2011-06-23 16:39:01 補充:
Three year most peak's time resigns from the work
2011-06-23 11:31 pm

My name is xxx, become a flight attendant, flying the blue sky is my childhood wish. There are four members of the family, and my father that the children should have had an international perspective, so there are many small play abroad experience, encounters smiling, friendly flight attendant service, made me better vision in this industry .
University during the period of study is related to elderly services department Hing, so I know to treat others with love, but also very lucky to get to France two months of internship opportunities, so for the French know little about daily life, and Since the country began to come into contact with the English on the English very interested in talking to foreigners are also very fond of and, in the eve of graduation began to plan their career, very smooth after graduation to get the opportunity to work Shiseido.

After I enter the job market from the company and customers who learn a lot of things, not only do you want to share of the work outside, and with a considerable sense of responsibility, team spirit is also very important phase, far better than a bunch of stick force over a stick, and can live long in a team, interpersonal relationships is also very important, I believe, sincere to others, humbly taught, learn to listen, and always for the sake of others, is the only way, but want to maintain long-term customer relationships, friendly attitude of genial smile has gone, get the customer's trust is the most important, although the peak in the third year of work time resolutely quit his job, in order to move forward dreams wholeheartedly ready to move, I believe great people because of their dreams, and constantly progress and learning is my own expectations.

I sincerely hope to have this opportunity to your company's services, I will go all out, with my heart the most dedicated, most friendly smile, so that each encounter can feel the warmth and gratification passengers.
參考: 網路

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