
2011-06-12 12:40 am
1.請派遣一名人員來學習機器的 安裝,操作設定及維護 的工作


回答 (5)

2011-06-12 1:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.請派遣一名人員來學習機器的 安裝,操作設定及維護 的工作
1. Please send a representative over to learn installment, operation, configuration and maintenance of the target machine.
2. We are to design the parts of both hardware and software in accordance with your specifications and requirements. And the designing fees are payable on the completion of the first set of machine.
3. The actual price varies by the number of inside modules of the machine.

2011-06-12 18:01:54 補充:

不過請將 are payable 改成 should be payable 提高語氣強制性

還有將 machine 改成能對應你們產品的用詞,如工具機等之類的
2011-06-12 7:50 am
1. Please send an officer to learn machine installation, operation setting and maintenance work2. hardware and software are in accordance with and subject to your specifications by our responsible for the design, but the first finished product is complete, the need to design charge3. actual price is in accordance with the inside of the machine module (moudle) the number of different, different prices
2011-06-12 3:15 am
(1) Please send a representative to learn some techniques related to computer equipment including installation, operation settings and maintenance.

(2)Both hardwares and softwares are designed by us according to your specifications and requirements. And all design fees shall be payable to us upon completion of the first set of computer equipment.

(3) The actual costs usually vary with the number of modules installed inside the computer equipment.
2011-06-12 3:03 am
1.請派遣一名人員來學習機器的 安裝,操作設定及維護 的工作

Please dispatch an employee to be trained for assembling, operating, setting and maintaining machines.

(我翻成那些由我們所負責設計的軟硬體皆依照規格且符合需求。但第一個成品完成後,我們會收設計費。其實這你這句我看不太懂,中文文法有點問題...然後第二句話的"但"不太了解何由,不過還是用while來翻,不然我會用as well as等,意思是都設計好之後,"還會"跟您收額外的費用唷!)
Both hardware and software that we are responsible for designing are in accordance with specifications and meet the requirements while we will charge for design as the first product has been done.
Unit price varies with the quantity of machines’ internal modules.

參考: 頭殼+字典
2011-06-12 1:17 am
1. Please dispatch an employee to learn the installation, operation, settings and maintenance of the machine (or device).

2. We will design the machine according to your specifications both software and hardware, but we will charge you for the first design once it's been done.

3. The actual cost of the machine depends on and varies with the moudles inside the machine (or device).
參考: self

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