中文翻英文~~急!!! 20點!

2011-06-07 6:19 am

We have actually received a DHL from TAIWAN (as a parcel with commercial value), which we have finally accepted and submitted to the Dean of Studies (trying, in the meantime to cancel the invoice of 19 euros). The sender of this parcel was EDITIONS CHEN - Taiwan.


謝謝您的回應,我在申請入學資料中有附上我的my personal data and my passport,請問一下,根據這些資了顯示中,名子是否為"SHEN, YI-HUNG"?因為這才是我的名字,我不知道是否也有台灣人剛好跟我一樣寄出去申請學校,而您收到的文件非我的文件,在此我也上傳附加檔案附上DHL收據,根據這張收據有我本人寄出去的資料,也方便學校核對是否是收到我的文件,非常感謝您!

拜託大家了,非常急 我現在急需回覆學校,謝謝!!!非常謝謝!!!

回答 (4)

2011-06-07 11:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
又又又又是你啊.......好吧, 再來了

謝謝您的回應,我在申請入學資料中有附上我的my personal data and my passport,請問一下,根據這些資了顯示中,名子是否為"SHEN, YI-HUNG"?因為這才是我的名字,我不知道是否也有台灣人剛好跟我一樣寄出去申請學校,而您收到的文件非我的文件,在此我也上傳附加檔案附上DHL收據,根據這張收據有我本人寄出去的資料,也方便學校核對是否是收到我的文件,非常感謝您!

Thanks for your instant reply. I have already attached my personal details and passport in my enrollment. Would you mind ensure those information of mine are named as the same person called Shen, Yi Hung? In fact, this is my English name, and I don't know of there is another person who gets the same name as me. One more thing, the document you received is not the one I sent; however, I would like to take this chance to attach the invoice of DHL for you. This may help you to check with my details afterward. Thank you very much for your attention and help.

(要是你還需要幫助, 可以直接找我的 ^^, 因為我可以了解你從前發生的事, 這樣翻譯起來, 更有效了^^, By the way, 祝你早日把事情辦妥)


2011-06-07 03:47:19 補充:

P.S. I have attached my passport copy with this mail.
2011-06-08 6:13 pm
住在澳洲的ka yu : (1) Would you mind ensure those information of mine are named as the same person called Shen, Yi Hung?
(2) In fact, this is my English name, and I don't know of there is another person ... . 這兩句的英語語法是否有毛病?
2011-06-07 3:34 pm
我們實際上從臺灣 (作為商業價值包裹),我們最後接納,提交 (嘗試,同時取消 19 歐元的發票) 的研究院長收到 DHL。這個包裹的寄件者是版陳-臺灣。


Thanks you of response, I in application entrance data in the has attached I of my personal data and my passport, will about, under these funded has display in the, name child is for "SHEN, YI-HUNG"? because this is I of name, I does not know is also has Taiwan people just with I as sent out application school, and you received of file non-I of document, this I also upload additional archives attached DHL receipt, under this Zhang receipt has I I sent out of data, also convenient school check is is received I of document, very thanks you!
2011-06-07 7:25 am
我們有收到從台灣寄來的包裹,這份包裹終於被我們轉送到學生會長那(正試著送過去,與此同時也試著要取消19歐元的賬單)。寄包裹的人叫 陳 Editions - 台灣。

Thank you for your quick reply. With the application I have sent to school, I have attached my personal data and my passport. May I ask if the name appeared as "Shen, Yi-Hung" according to the information I have provided since this is my given name? I have no idea if you have received another application from another Taiwanese whose name was the same as mine; and I don't know if you have only received his application and not mine. Therefore, I have attached a file of the mailing receipt from DHL in this email. This document shows the details of what I have sent out and when. It also would help school to check whether or not if school has received my application. Thank you very much.

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