
2011-06-04 5:17 pm
It's time for you ______(work) hard for your final exam,

答案竟然係worked 而唔係work


回答 (3)

2011-06-08 11:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are two correct ways to write the sentence.

It is time for you to work hard for your final exam. (infinitive)

It is time you worked hard for your final exam. (past tense)

Past tense is used in the clause following "It is time" or "It is high time."
2011-06-04 8:16 pm
應該係 to work
2011-06-04 7:26 pm
香港教育局對教科書監管不力, 故而良莠不齊, 明顯是書錯, 那有to worked
hard 的呢 ? 月前有小朋友透過 e-mail 問及五旬節于良發小學五年級下學期英文課本中一句' Many children still doing jigsaw puzzles are even round' 何解。
不用說亦錯得離譜, 適值有美國耶魯曾有暢銷著作之學者友好到舍下, 談及垃圾教科書, 校方於採購前可能為某種原因不加審察, 亦謂美國亦有類同情形。

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