
2011-06-04 3:18 am
由於需要弄英文相關東西 但英文沒學好....

只能來這發問了 想請會英文的人翻譯 不要求翻很好

只要求不要 只會google等等網頁翻譯的人來就好了 用那個我一定看的出來

1.要仔細聽別人說話2.不要罵別人3.不要嘲笑別人4.不要撒謊5.不要作弊6.不要偷竊7.不可以對父母或老師大小聲8.遇到人要打聲招呼多說請、謝謝、對不起9.撿到錢要交到警察局10.垃圾分類要做好 11.在歡樂中獲取知識,了解尊重的重要

另外如果可以的話有沒有人可以讓我+即時通 還是msn可以讓我可以詢問一下英文句子的翻譯等等....

回答 (5)

2011-06-04 6:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.要仔細聽別人說話=You should listen up when other people are talking.
2.不要罵別人=Don't scold at the others.
3.不要嘲笑別人=Don't laugh at the others.
4.不要撒謊= Don't tell lies.5.不要作弊-= Don't be cheat6.不要偷竊= Stealing is prohibited.7.不可以對父母或老師大小聲= Never yell at parents or teachers8.遇到人要打聲招呼多說請、謝謝、對不起 = If you meet the people who you know should do the greeting9.撿到錢要交到警察局 Give the money back to the police if it is not belongs to you10.垃圾分類要做好 = You should classify the rubbish into difference bins 11.在歡樂中獲取知識=I hope you can get more knowledge from the happiness
12. 了解尊重的重要 = You need to understand the important of repecting


2011-06-08 7:10 pm
ka yu: (1) Don't be cheat.(???) (2) If you meet the people who you know should do the greeting. (subject?) Give the money back to the police if it is not belongs to you.(belongs 是vi,還是vt?)
2011-06-05 5:34 am
@Ka yu
Nice Engrish...
2011-06-04 8:52 am
1. to listen to people talk2. do not scold others3. do not laugh at others4. don't lie5. do not cheat6. do not steal7. the size of the parent or teacher can be8. meet people to say hello to say please and thank you, and sorry9. pick up the money to pay to the police station10. waste classifications need to be good11. access to knowledge in the joy, understanding respect important
2011-06-04 3:38 am
Listen to others carefully.
Don't scold others.
Don't laugh at others.
Don't tell lies.
Don't cheat.
Don't steal.
Don't be rude and loud to parents or teachers.
Say please, thank you, and sorry when you meet people.
Give the money that you found to the police station.
Garbage sorting must be done well.
Learn knowledge in joy, and understand the importance of respect!

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