✔ 最佳答案
1.要仔細聽別人說話=You should listen up when other people are talking.
2.不要罵別人=Don't scold at the others.
3.不要嘲笑別人=Don't laugh at the others.
4.不要撒謊= Don't tell lies.5.不要作弊-= Don't be cheat6.不要偷竊= Stealing is prohibited.7.不可以對父母或老師大小聲= Never yell at parents or teachers8.遇到人要打聲招呼多說請、謝謝、對不起 = If you meet the people who you know should do the greeting9.撿到錢要交到警察局 Give the money back to the police if it is not belongs to you10.垃圾分類要做好 = You should classify the rubbish into difference bins 11.在歡樂中獲取知識=I hope you can get more knowledge from the happiness
12. 了解尊重的重要 = You need to understand the important of repecting