文法 缺動詞

2011-06-02 10:00 am
Assuming common ground between two rational and reasonable opponents willing to debate on intellectual merits, both opponents stand to gain much from that debate.

請問在實線上方是否有缺一個動詞, 如果這個句子是正確的可否煩請幫忙解釋他的文法結構關係


回答 (6)

2011-06-02 3:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這裏的assuming 不是翻譯成假設,而是翻譯成取得,所以
Assuming common ground between two rational and reasonable opponents willing to debate on intellectual merits, both opponents stand to gain much from that debate.
=Taking common ground between two rational and reasonable opponents willing to debate on intellectual merits, both opponents stand to gain much from that debate.

分詞構句Ving (Taking) +O , ( common ground)
S (both common opponents )+V (stand)+(on the ground) +不定詞片語 (to gain much from that debate)


2011-06-02 08:03:39 補充:
1.介系詞片語between two rational and reasonable opponents
往前修飾common ground
2.分詞片語willing to debate on intellectual merits往前修飾opponents


2011-06-02 08:06:55 補充:
在stand 後刻意加了一個用括號框起來的( on the ground )

2011-06-02 13:50:20 補充:
一如果擔心opponents 重複
可將both opponents stand to gain much from that debate.
改成both of them即可

Assuming common ground between two rational and reasonable opponents stand to gain much from debates are willing to debate on intellectual merits.
因為您想要are willing to 當主動詞
stand 又在那

2011-06-02 14:00:40 補充:

2011-06-02 14:05:03 補充:
而且主詞 位置已流失了。

2011-06-02 14:35:29 補充:
要避免一些重覆字眼,像opponents , debates , 建議以下方式
Two rational and reasonable opponents , standing on the common ground between them,
are willing to debate on intellectual merits and gain much from it .

2011-06-02 14:36:02 補充:
=Two rational and reasonable opponents who stand on the common ground between them,are willing to debate on intellectual merits and gain much from it .
2011-06-03 10:07 am
2011-06-03 12:03 am
Assuming common ground between two rational and reasonable opponents willing to debate on intellectual merits, both opponents stand to gain much from that debate.

1.首先將Assuming 用法解說,這個字類似suppose , if,當連接詞使用,那麼以if 取代,即 If common ground between two rational and reasonable opponents (are) willing to debate on intellectual merits,因分詞構句主詞common ground 與主要子句主詞opponents不同,不能省略,而動詞(are) willing自然可將(are) 省略

3.stand:堅持(vt 及物動詞)-------------
2011-06-02 4:38 pm
這句話是正確英文。 但有兩個很長的後修飾語,與中文語法扞挌,很不容易用中文理解。

Assuming common ground between two rational and reasonable opponents (who are) willing to debate on intellectual merits, both opponents stand to gain much from that debate.

這句話是典型的「分詞構句」句型。 assume 意思上的主詞是後面的 opponents,用「分詞構句」的形式放在句子前面,改成 assuming。 兩個淺色的片語部分是修飾語,暫時不看。原句簡化為:

Assuming common ground, both opponents stand to gain much from that debate。

assume 在這裡是「採取」。 stand to gain ~ 是「一定能得到、大有可能得到」的意思。 這部分是說,辯論的雙方採取一個共同立場的話,會有很多收穫。什麼共同立場呢?

between two rational and reasonable opponents 表示是「兩個有理性、能論之以理的對手之間的」共同立場。文法上稱這是介係詞片語做形容詞用,修飾名詞ground。

後面省略 (who are) 的 willing to debate on intellectual merits 是分詞片語,做形容詞修飾 opponents,表示這對手是「願意就智識方面的是非曲直來辯論的」對手。



2011-06-02 08:46:21 補充:

最後一行....願就智識方面的是非「取」直.... ---> 是非曲直

2011-06-02 08:56:29 補充:
stand to gain much 的 stand 和 on the ground 沒有關係。

stand to gain something 是英語成語,表示 very likely to gain something,「大有可能得到」,預想準能得到的意思。

2011-06-02 11:43:12 補充:
(前一個補充沒有出來, 在補充一次)

stand to gain much 的 stand 沒有「站」的意思,和 on the ground 也沒有關係 。

stand to gain something 是英語成語,表示 very likely to gain something,是預想準能得到,「大有可能得到」的意思。

2011-06-02 11:46:44 補充:
(唉,搞不懂 Yahoo。突然兩個同樣內容的補充都出來了。對不起!)
2011-06-02 1:36 pm
這句沒錯啊!Assuming....到merit是假設,主詞是both opponents 動詞是stand
2011-06-02 11:05 am
發問者: 此句子的語法正確. Assuming ... opponents (省略了who are) willing to debate on ... , that debate.

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