
2011-05-30 11:14 pm

1. Like a synonym of speech, which is gereral term, address implies some degree of formality.

2. As enery other nations, the United States used to define its unit of currency, the dollars, in terms of the gold standard.

3. The prime minister's conviction for improper campaign practices is likely to result in increasing pressure that she resigns

4.When the boulders are made of rock that is different from the bedrock which they or the soil of the field rests, they are called erratics.


回答 (2)

2011-06-02 7:48 pm
1. Like a synonym "speech", which is a general term, the word " address" implies some degree of formality.

2. Same as other nations, the United States used to define its dollar as unit of currency in terms of the gold standard.
3. The Prime Minister's conviction for improper campaign practices is likely to result in tremendous pressure on his resignation.

4. The boulders which are made up of rocks differing from the bedrock and the soild of the field on which people rest are called "erratics".

2011-06-03 07:20:32 補充:
Repe ry: 您好! 英文老師似乎誤解了該四句的原意, 尤其是第一句和第二句.

2011-06-03 09:06:56 補充:
2. Same as other nations ------> Like many other nations/Like many other countries,
2011-05-31 12:14 am
1. Like a synonym of speech, which is general term, address implies some degree of formality. 錯

Like a synonym of speak, which is a general term, address implies some degree of formality.

Reason: Incorrect grammar, comparison of speech (NOUN) with ‘to address’ (VERB)
2. As enery other nations, the United States used to define its unit of currency, the dollars, in terms of the gold standard. 錯 As every other nation, the United States used to define its unit of currency, the dollar, in terms of the gold standard. Reason: singular noun required (Every nation, not every nations; the dollar, not dollars, when it is a unit of currency)

3. The prime minister's conviction for improper campaign practices is likely to result in increasing pressure that she resigns 錯 The prime minister's conviction for improper campaign practices is likely to result in increasing pressure for her to resign. Reason: ‘she resigns’ is not ideal in this context because it presupposes that she resigns, but we don’t know if she will.

4.When the boulders are made of rock that is different from the bedrock which they or the soil of the field rests, they are called erratics. 錯 When the boulders are made of rock that is different from the bedrock and the soil of the field on which they rest, they are called erratics. Reasons: Grammar and syntax error, the boulders rest (plural) on the bedrock or on the soil of the field.
參考: ESL teacher of English UK/HK

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