
2011-05-21 7:51 pm
1) adj - courteous
noun - ?

2) adj - honest
noun - ?

3) adj - mature
noun - ?

4) adj - popular
noun - ?

5) adj - comfortable
noun - ?

6) adj - miserable
noun - ?

7) adj - enthusiastic
noun - ?

8) adj - jealous
noun - ?

9) adj - greedy
noun - ?

10) adj - efficient
noun - ?

11) adj - effective
noun - ?

12) adj - wide
noun - ?
verb - ?

13) adj - deep
noun - ?
verb - ?

14) verb - respond
noun - ?
adj - ?

回答 (4)

2011-05-22 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案

1) adj - courteous
noun - courteousness

2) adj - honest
noun - honesty

3) adj - mature
noun - maturity

4) adj - popular
noun - popularity

5) adj - comfortable
noun - comfort

6) adj - miserable
noun - misery

7) adj - enthusiastic
noun - enthusiasm

8) adj - jealous
noun - jealousy

9) adj - greedy
noun - greed / greediness

10) adj - efficient
noun - efficiency

11) adj - effective
noun - effectiveness

12) adj - wide
noun - width
verb - widen

13) adj - deep
noun - depth / deepness
verb - deepen

14) verb - respond
noun - response
adj - responsive


2011-05-22 00:48:27 補充:
對唔住,上面 "noun - courteousness" 打錯咗,正確係 "noun - courtesy",請留意。

2011-05-22 13:11:49 補充:
Thanks for your comment.
參考: 喵肯兄
2011-05-22 8:37 am
1) adj - courteous
noun – courtesy

I prefer to use “courtesy” as a noun. It is more popular.
You won’t find “courteousness” in Yahoo online dictionary and most British dictionaries,except Oxford Dictionaries online, American dictionaries.
2011-05-21 10:35 pm
1) adj - courteous
noun - bravery

2) adj - honest
noun - honesty

3) adj - mature
noun - maturity

4) adj - popular
noun - popularity

5) adj - comfortable
noun - comfort

6) adj - miserable
noun - /

7) adj - enthusiastic
noun - enthusiasm

8) adj - jealous
noun - jealousy

9) adj - greedy
noun - /

10) adj - efficient
noun - efficiency

11) adj - effective
noun - effectiveness

12) adj - wide
noun - width
verb - widen

13) adj - deep
noun - deepness/depth
verb - /

14) verb - respond
noun - response
adj - responsive
參考: google dictionary, own knowledge(:
2011-05-21 8:41 pm
1) adj - courteous
noun -冇noun

2) adj - honest
noun -冇noun

3) adj - mature
noun - 冇noun

4) adj - popular
noun - 冇noun

5) adj - comfortable
noun - 冇noun

6) adj - miserable
noun - 冇noun

7) adj - enthusiastic
noun - 冇noun

8) adj - jealous
noun -冇noun

9) adj - greedy
noun -冇noun

10) adj - efficient
noun -冇noun

11) adj - effective
noun - 冇noun

12) adj - wide
noun - 冇noun
verb - 冇verb

13) adj - deep
noun -冇noun
verb - 冇verb

14) verb - respond
noun - 冇noun
adj - 冇adjective
參考: 雞篤同盟會

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