
2011-05-17 3:51 am
we have no enough time to sleep.
這句有冇錯? THX

回答 (4)

2011-05-17 5:22 am
發問者: We have no (adv) enough(adj) time to sleep.(incorrect) "NO" 作副詞(adverb) 通常只修飾other, different等形容詞(adjective), 形容詞比較級, 副詞或名詞,或用於成語中,不能修飾形容詞enough.

2011-05-16 21:27:12 補充:
e.g. 1. He is no older than you. 2. It is no different. 3. My opinion is no different from yours. 4. There seems no other choice now. 5. No such thing has ever happened at our school.
2011-05-17 4:50 am
應是 : We have not enought time to sleep.
2011-05-17 4:08 am
should be:
we haven't got enough time to sleep.

hope can help you:)
參考: 自己!
2011-05-17 3:57 am
正確的講法應該係咁講:we do not have enough time to sleep

參考: 自己(咪抄我)

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