Direct and indirect speech 20點

2011-04-29 3:42 am
"what a wonderful trip it is ! " said jimmy.

cherry's mother said to her, 'what did you eat this morning?'

'take an umbrella. it is raining'the lady said to her son.

his parents said to him, 'don't forget to lock the door.'

mr chan said that he had sold his car the year before.

回答 (4)

2011-04-29 4:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Direct and indirect speech
"what a wonderful trip it is ! " said jimmy.
Jimmy exclaimed that it was a wonderful trip.

cherry's mother said to her, 'what did you eat this morning?'
Cherry's mother asked her what she ate that morning.
'take an umbrella. it is raining'the lady said to her son.
The lady told her son to take an umbrella and that it was raining.

his parents said to him, 'don't forget to lock the door.'
His parents reminded him not to forget to lock the door.

mr chan said that he had sold his car the year before.
Mr Chan said, " I have sold my car last year."

2011-04-29 05:04:29 補充:
Thanks for WuDaiwei's comments.
2. can be: Cherry's mother asked her what she had eaten that morning.

2011-04-29 16:39:38 補充:
Thanks for mwl_r's well researched comments.

2011-04-30 11:50:08 補充:
Examples of using perfect tense with last year/in last year/during last year::

2011-04-30 11:50:29 補充:
More examples:
2011-04-30 12:00 am
The rules for changing Direct Speech into Indirect, inter alia, " The Past Tense remains unchanged; sometimes the simple past in the direct becomes
the past perfect in the Indirect." and that

2011-04-29 16:17:32 補充:
" A present perfect becomes a past perfect." High School English Grammar
- P.C. Wren. Accordingly,
2. could be written as either
a) Cherry's mother asked what she ate that morning., or
b) Cherry's mother asked what she had eaten that morning.

2011-04-29 16:19:42 補充:
whereas 5. should be written as

Mr. Chan said, " I have sold my car last year. "

2011-04-29 17:47:38 補充:
My pleasure.

2011-04-30 10:06:32 補充:
Regretfully I have to say yes to WuDaiwei's question. To quote direct from
Rule (c) for changing Direct Speech into Indirect of High School English
Grammar - P.C. Wren, it goes ' A present perfect becomes a past perfect.'
with given example as follows :

2011-04-30 10:15:13 補充:
' Direct. He said, " I have passed the examination." '
' Indirect. He said that he had passed the examination.'

I don't see any reason why you do not concur.

2011-04-30 12:25:49 補充:
I well understand that to write, for example, ' I have written to you yesterday.'
in lieu of ' I wrote you a letter yesterday.' is beyond dispute grammatically incorrect. However, this rule apparently applies only to statements without
time comparision, - to be continued -

2011-04-30 12:32:19 補充:
whereas in the question at issue, the statement calls for explicit time
difference between the two actions therein, viz., 'said' and ' sold ; hence the necessity of using past perfect and it is the circumstances in which past
perfect tense is meant for grammatically.

2011-04-30 18:35:13 補充:
The citation from Romeo and Juliet suddenly reminds of " my foot my tutor ?"
, a line in The Tempest by William Shakespheare. For your information, Sally
Wehmeier, the Publishing Manager of Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary,

2011-04-30 18:40:26 補充:
has been taught a lesson by me in May, 2004 for making too many mistakes
in the Sixth eddition of the dictionary. Heed my advice so, seeing is not
believing, not even a dictionary or a text book nowadays.
2011-04-29 6:22 pm
ZZero & eicachan, below is my suggested answer for the 5th sentence:

Indirect speech : Mr.Chan said that he had sold his car the year before.
Direct speech : Mr.Chan said, " I sold my car last year."

2011-04-30 17:04:07 補充:
ZZero, eicachan and mwl_r,
Here is a dialogue extracted from Romeo and Juliet for your reference:

Mercutio called to Romeo,"Where did you go last night after the party? You ran away from us." "Excuse me. I was busy."

2011-04-30 17:16:22 補充:
For usage of some adverbs of time( such as last year, last week, last night and yesterday), you had better refer to some advanced English Dictionaries and some grammar textbooks, which provide commonly used examples to readers.
2011-04-29 12:00 pm
eicachan(知識長) : 第2題和第5題的答案有錯誤!!

2011-04-29 22:44:44 補充:
To : mwl_r
Chan said, "I have sold my car last year." Is this sentence grammatically correct?

2011-04-30 11:17:18 補充:
mwl_r, the sentence, "I have sold my car last year.", is incorrect. Don't you know some adverbs of time(e.g. yesterday, last year,last month, a minitue ago) cannot be used in the present perfect tense. The sentence should be written as : "I sold my car last year.".

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