noun phrase

2011-04-25 5:51 am
我想問下一句句子既第一個字係verb既話.係唔係要變做-ing form?

回答 (5)

2011-05-22 8:23 pm
Pepe poirot had answered the question directly and correctly. Radioman's answer demonstrated that he didn't understand the question, and his criticism on pepe poirot examples was out of context and incorrect.

2011-05-22 12:24:48 補充:
correction: "on pepe poirot's examples".
2011-04-26 1:16 am
A Noun Phase comprises a noun and other word classes. A noun is obligatory in a Noun Phrase. A Noun Phrase can be used:
(1) to refer to a noun and add to its meaning.
(2) as a subject.
(3) as an object of a verb.
e.g. 1.The cat, a cross breed between Siamese and Burmese, is very cute.
2. The man with a tattoo on his arm is staring at the girl carrying a brand hand bag.
3. The predator stalked its defenceless prey.

2011-04-25 17:38:57 補充:
The grammar notes and examples provided come from a text book.

2011-04-27 20:10:17 補充:
(a) Gerundial phrase(GP) :
1. Watching TV(GP) is a pleasure.
2. Mary's mother enjoys listening to music(GP).

(b) Participial phrase(PP):
1. The girl washing the dishes(PP) is my younger sister.
2. Standing by the windows(PP), the girl was frightened by a big noise.

2011-04-27 20:11:42 補充:
3. Located on an island(PP), the tower is one of the famouse landmarks in Hong Kong.

2011-04-28 17:18:21 補充:
發問者: 究竟您是否想知道"noun phrase" 嗎?
2011-04-25 4:22 pm
Noun phrase 是必須作整句的 subject / object 及在句中作補語用.

幾時用v-ing在phrase是 名詞附有動作性的gerund=v-ing.

gerund加上object/修飾語,構成gerund phrase.作noun用.

例: Driving a car requires skill. / a car 是加上的object.
Driver a car 整句是subject.

例: Spitting everywhere is a bad habit. / everywhere是adv修飾語.

例: Tom likes spitting everywhere. 作object.

例: His bad habit is spitting everywhere. 作 complement補語.

2011-04-25 08:37:56 補充:
祈使句的verb是不加ing. 例: Go to the door. Shut the window. Sit down, please.
2011-04-25 8:10 am
the title is 'noun phrase'... so it's probably yes.
2011-04-25 7:47 am
唔係一 定咖, 以下3 個句子 既第一個字 都係 verb : 1. Wake up ! ( 命令: 不需要 -ing form ) 2. Do not go there, it’s dangerous.
(勸告: 不需要 -ing form) 3. Seated by the window, he had seen the accident as it happened. ( Participial phrase: 並不是 -ing form 是 -ed form ) 剩係如果第一個 verb 是個 Gerund , 就需要 -ing form : Sitting by the window, he saw the car crashing against the wall.
參考: me

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