
2011-04-23 6:33 am

1.) 需要 定立/制定 新的 規則/指引


回答 (5)

2011-04-23 7:38 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.) New regulation(s)/guideline(s) is/are needed to be established.


2011-04-24 11:48:34 補充:
參考: 喵肯兄
2011-04-24 12:00 am
需要 定立/制定 新的 規則/指引 - 翻譯
(1)主動說法active voice:(某某)需要 定立/制定 新的 規則/指引
(Some person/people) need(s) to set up/formulate new regulation(s)/guideline(s).
(2)被動說法passive voice 新的 規則/指引 需要 定立/制定
New regulation(s)/guideline(s) need(s) to be set up/formulated.

2011-04-23 16:05:03 補充:
Use passive voice when the subject is not disclosed. In this sentence, it is easier to write in passive voice.
2011-04-23 11:36 pm
Need to be established / new rules / guidelines
參考: Google翻譯
2011-04-23 8:57 pm

完整: New rules(規定)/regulations(規定)/guidelines(指引) need to be formulated/set out/made*/established. (新的規定/指引需要被制訂/定立)

不完整 (verb+object):

Need to set out/formulate/make*/establish new rules/regulations/guidelines.( 需要定立/制定新的規則/指引)

不完整 (noun phrase)
the need to set out/formulate/make*/establish new rules/regulations/guidelines

( 定立/制定新規則/指引的需要的)

*please don't use this if you choose 'guidelines'

2011-04-23 6:36 am
Need to establish new rules / to point .

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