Beat around the bush ??

2011-04-17 12:09 pm
女甲 : I don't like my boss.

女乙 : Why?

女甲 : He always looks over my shoulder and bosses me around. When he talks, he seems to beat around the bush.

女乙 : Then why are you still hanging around him?

女甲 : I'm not. I'm going to stop fooling around and quit.

請釋釋 highlight 這句 ..

回答 (4)

2011-04-17 2:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Always looks over my shoulder = he is always looking at what I am doing, Beat around the bush = not talking directly about the subject, or trying to avoid saying exactly what they feel or think 中文翻譯 : 拐彎抹角 Example:
於是你對他說:“Don't beat around the bush!”“別拐彎抹角了,有話直說!”
參考: me
2011-04-18 1:50 am
He always looks over my shoulder and bosses me around.


When he talks, he seems to beat around the bush.



參考: 1995
2011-04-17 11:32 pm
女乙 : 咁點解你仲要跟住佢呀?
女甲 : 唔啦,我諗住費事再嘥時間走人囉。
2011-04-17 6:31 pm
bosses me around = 對我擺上司架子

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