"Did" 後是現在式 ....

2011-04-15 8:15 am
Which one of the following sentences is correct?

1. Did you have an instructor sit beside you yesterday?
2. Did you have an instructor sat beside you yesterday?

"Have" is already present tense, do I need to apply the same rule to "sit"?

回答 (3)

2011-06-03 1:03 pm
You are welcome.
2011-06-02 5:18 pm
Thank you Garlic2010.
2011-04-15 9:10 am
It should be ' Did you have an instructor sitting beside you yesterday ? '

'sitting beside you' is an adverbial phrase.

Example answers :

Yes, I did have an instructor sitting beside me yesterday.

or, No, I didn't have an instructor sitting beside me.
參考: ESL teacher (HK/UK)

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