
2011-04-13 5:50 am
如果下列我作的句子有錯誤, 煩請協助我改改!

He feels sad because he gets little reward for his hard work.

The cleaning and washing will be done by this experienced contractor.

Sally is a very competent staff and willing to take up responsibility.

entitled to
The manager is entitled to have the housing allowance.

A panel discussion on the topic of the Yuen Long traffic accident is held at Legislative Council

回答 (6)

2011-04-14 3:50 pm
Correction : He felt unhappy... when he... ------> He felt unhappy... because he...
2011-04-14 9:36 am
發問者: rewarded : He felt unhappy/He felt sad when he was rewarded a little for his hard work. entitled to : The manager is entitled to housing allowance.
2011-04-13 10:37 pm
如果要完全依照提供的字(包括tense form),留意寫法的改動,盡量源用你句字內容和意思。

He feels sad because he is not being rewarded for his hard work.

The cleaning and washing will be done by one of these experienced contractors in our company listing.

Sally is [] very competent [] and willing to take up responsibility.

entitled to
The manager is entitled to have [] housing allowance.
這裏the這article未必要,但寫了也不能說錯,要視乎現實housing allowance是指一個特定東西,還是汎指不同的住屋/租房/買房資助津貼。

A panel discussion on the topic of the Yuen Long traffic accident is held at Legislative Council.
2011-04-13 9:59 pm
唔該幫我改一改5句英文句子如果下列我作的句子有錯誤, 煩請協助我改改!

He feels sad because he gets little reward for his hard work.
Ok but better English is

He is upset because he gets little...........

The cleaning and washing will be done by this experienced contractor. -good

Sally is a very competent staff and willing to take up responsibility.=

ok but better English is

Sally is very competent and willing to take ........

entitled to
The manager is entitled to the housing allowance.( have to be deleted)

A panel discussion on the Yuen Long traffic accident will be held at the Legislative Council
2011-04-13 6:22 am
Nearly 100% except for the following:

Sally is a very competent member of staff and is willing to take on responsibility.


Sally is a competent staff member and is willing to take on responsibility.

In English, 'she is a staff' is not correct. ( 'very competent' may be her quality)

Note: 'She is staff' or 'She is a staff member' is both correct grammatically. This means she is a member of staff, but never 'She is a staff '.

It's better to say take on responsibility, rather than take up responsibity.
參考: ESL teacher (HK/UK)
2011-04-13 6:02 am
都ok, 冇咩野錯, 你可以睇下Yahoo d造句........

rewarded : He will sooner or later be rewarded for his wicked conduct.

contractors: The contractors from both sides have executed the documents

competent : She has a competent knowledge of English

entitled to : This ticket entitles you to a free lunch

panel : A panel discussion was held on abortion


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