Please translate to English

2011-04-11 4:24 am
Please translate to English ! thank you very much !

新續租約及租金調整通知書 關於以上物業地址現有的租約期快將於2011年5月29日屆滿, 現本公司特此通知貴租客有關新續租約及租金調整如下: l 新續租約生效及有效日期為: 2011年5月30日至2013年5月29日(簽訂租約期為 2 年)l 每月租金由HK$4000 調整至 HK$4500 若貴客同意以上事宜, 請簽回此通知書並寄回業主, 如有任何疑問, 請聯絡業主

回答 (2)

2011-04-14 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Notice of Renewal of Tenancy Agreement and Rental Adjustment

We hereby give the tenants the important matters below related to renewal of tenancy agreement and rental adjustment as the existing lease on the presmise(s) located at the above address will expire on 29th May,2011:

Rental renewal for two years(for the period from 30th May,2011 to 29th May,2013) will take effect upon signing this notice and/or the tenancy agreement with the landlord(s) on or before 30th May,2011.Monthly rent HK$4,000 will be adjusted to HK$4,500 after rental renewal.If you agree to the above, please sign and return this notice to the landlord. Should you have any queries, please contact your landlord(s) directly.

2011-04-13 16:15:08 補充:
correction : ... give the tenants... -----> ... notify the tenants of ...
2011-04-11 5:02 am
Notice of renewal of rental agreement and rental adjustment.

The existing lease on the property addressed above will expire on May 29, 2011. The Company owner hereby gives notice informing its honoured tenants of the following rental agreement renewal and rental adjustment:
Effective period of rental renewal: May 30, 2011 to May 29, 2013 (signed lease term is 2 calendar years)
Monthly rental of HK $ 4500 per month (adjusted from HK $ 4000 per month)

On agreement with the new terms above, the honoured tenant should sign and return the notice to the owner. If there are any questions, please contact the owner directly to discuss.
參考: bilingual teacher (HK / UK)

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