
2011-03-10 6:53 am
intention的辭典解釋是:意圖, 意向, 目的[C][U][(+of)][+to-v]
The intention for our life can be perceived in several different ways depending on how we have focused our attention and awareness.
Remember the original intention for all eternity.
The manager's intention for the aggrandizement of his own department at the expense of other departments was obvious.為什麼intention後面不是接of而是接for?這三句的for都是當"對於"解釋?

謝謝cavalier大師的回答,大致上都了解了,不過還有幾個小問題想請教您 1.上面這三個for + 目的/目標的用法,"for"本身有對應的中文可以翻譯嗎? 2.能不能稍微翻譯一下前兩個句子? 3.intention(+of)(+to-v)後面接的似乎也是"目的/目標",如果把第三句改成 intention to aggrandize his own department 或 intention of aggrandizing his own department 意思會改變嗎?

回答 (2)

2011-03-10 6:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
intention是名詞, 後面接什麼介系詞並非固定:

1) 與介系詞的本義所表達的語意有關
例如版主所列的三個例句, 都是「for + 目的/目標」的用法, 是介系詞的本義.
My intention on this subject is obvious. (on + 針對之事物)
He persists his intention despite the failure. (despite「儘管;不論」之本義)

2) 與該句的動詞或形容詞所形成的片語有關
I don't need to compare my intention with yours. (片語compare...with)
His different intention from mine does not affect the great value of the result. (片語 different from)

2011-03-10 17:03:42 補充:
動詞後面的介系詞就會比較固定(但未必唯一), 所以才叫「成語」.

2011-03-12 15:03:03 補充:
1.上面這三個for + 目的/目標的用法,"for"本身有對應的中文可以翻譯嗎?
for xxx : 為了xxx之目的; 對於xxx目標而言

a) 我們對人生有何打算可用幾個方式來察知, 視吾人如何聚焦所關注與所領悟之事物而定.
b) 記住為了永恆生命所具有的初衷.

2011-03-12 15:03:29 補充:
intention to aggrandize his own department

intention of aggrandizing his own department

意思非常類似, 差別只在前者動作還沒做, 後者則不分已做或未做.
參考: 文法是要活用的, 不可死記規則.
2011-03-10 6:20 pm
The intention for our life can be perceived in several different ways depending on how we have focused our attention and awareness.** For : 為了.

Remember the original intention for all eternity.** For : 將

The manager's intention for the aggrandizement of his own department at the expense of other departments was obvious.** For : 贊成/支持
參考: Tippi

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